Windward Community College is committed to providing clear and accurate information to all prospective and current students. In support of this goal, and in compliance with Federal regulations, this page provides links to specific consumer information about Windward Community College to enrolled and prospective students.
This Consumer Information is disseminated to all Windward Community College students every semester via student email. Paper copies of this information are available in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, located in Hale ‘Ākoakoa 202, and in the Student Life Office, located in Hale ‘Ākoakoa 232.
In compliance with federal law, we are sharing the information that must be disclosed, where to find the information online, and the contact information for the responsible departments. For your convenience, most of this information is also provided in the college catalog.
If you have questions or would like to request a paper copy of any materials, please call or e-mail the appropriate office or visit the indicated websites.
The employees or groups of employees listed below are designated to assist enrolled or perspective students with information from the office listed:
Windward Community College’s Academic Probation Policy consists of minimum academic standards set by the institution in which all students must maintain.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: (808) 235-7466
Students on Federal Financial Aid are also required to meet and maintain academic standards set by the Windward Community College Financial Aid Office. View the Financial Aid Office Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
Contact: Anna Chamberlain, Financial Aid Manager, Email: arc8@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7471
Information concerning Windward Community College academic programs is also available in the college catalog.
Contact: Peter Young, Office of Academic Affairs, Email: pf21@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7443
Accreditation is a process that evaluates and assures that the quality of education that Windward Community College provides meets or exceeds the standards of good practice, qualifies the institution to participate in Title IV student financial aid programs, and provides a self and peer review and encourages improvement. Windward Community College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 10 Commercial Blvd., Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Windward Community College also has two programs with external accreditations. See the Windward Community College Accreditation page for more information.
Contact: Ardis Eschenberg, Chancellor, Email: ardise@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7402
UH System EP11.201 Illegal Drugs, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy
Additional Information be found at: https://intranet.windward.hawaii.edu/download/33/title-ix/381/daappp-2019-access.pdf and https://intranet.windward.hawaii.edu/download/33/title-ix/379/biennial-review-2018-access.pdf
Windward Community College complies with the UH System Executive Policy (EP 11.201), Illegal Drugs, Alcohol and Substance Abuse, established by the University of Hawai‘i Office of the President. EP 11.201 was established pursuant to the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. Click on the link above to view the UH System policy and the additional information to view Windward Community College’s information.
Contact: Karen Cho, Title IX Coordinator, Email: kcho@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7404
Windward Community College’s Bookstore, located on campus, provides students with textbooks, workbooks, and a variety of school supplies. The Bookstore also offers services such as a Textbook Price Comparison Tool, a Textbook Rental Program, and a Textbook Buyback Service.
Contact: Jean Okubo, Interim Bookstore Manager, Email: wccbooks@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7418
Windward Community College is firmly committed to providing a safe and secure campus environment. Our institution’s policies and procedures are designed to ensure that best practices are followed to protect persons and property. View the complete security report (pdf) or learn more about campus security at the WCC Security webpage.
Contact: Chester Kahalepuna, Interim Security Manager, Email: ckahalep@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7343
The Windward Community College Financial Aid Office is expected to maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct in carrying out all aspects of its responsibilities and must avoid any conflicts of interests with respect to federal and private education loans. The college’s Code of Conduct for Educational Loans is available at the Financial Aid Office and on our website.
Windward Community College does not partner with lenders. The college processes all federal student loans via the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program.
Contact: Anna Chamberlain, Financial Aid Manager, Email: arc8@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7471
UH System EP1.203 Consensual Relationships Policy
The consensual relationships policy prohibits an employee from initiating or engaging in a romantic, dating, or sexual relationship with another employee or a student whom he/she currently supervises, directs, instructs, evaluates, advises, or has substantial influence over wherein a power and control differential exists. Click on the link above to view the policy.
Contact: Karen Cho, Personnel Officer, Email: kcho@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7404
In accordance with federal law, Windward Community College, as an educational institution receiving Federal funding, holds an educational program about the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year for its students.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7466
UH System EP2.210 Use and Management of Information Technology Resources Policy
Use of all University of Hawaiʻi information Technology Resources are governed by UH Executive Policy EP2.210: Use and Management of Information Technology Resources. Continued use of UH Username and University Information Technology Resources by a student indicates acceptance of, and agreement to, Executive Policy EP2.210. The complete policy can be found online at link above.
Unauthorized downloading and distribution of copyrighted material (songs, movies, software, games, etc.) is illegal and in violation of Federal Copyright Laws and may subject violators to civil and criminal liabilities.
More information is available at the U.S. Copyright Office website at https://www.copyright.gov, and their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at https://www.copyright.gov/help/faq.
Contact: Michael Tom, Computing Services Coordinator, Email: mtom@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7371
Cost of attendance are average costs for standard expenses used to determine financial aid eligibility. Standard expenses include tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, personal expenses, and transportation. Cost of attendance varies on the type of school, enrollment status, housing status, and residency status. For more information visit the Financial Aid Cost of Attendance page.
Contact: Anna Chamberlain, Financial Aid Manager, Email: arc8@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7471
The Windward Community College Counseling and Advising department is comprised of college counselors, faculty and support staff who work to support students’ personal and academic growth and development. We provide academic, career and personal counseling to assist students with decision-making in the exploration of their educational, career, and personal goals.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7466
If you have a physical, sensory, health, cognitive, or mental health disability that could limit your ability to fully participate in this class, you are encouraged to contact the Disability Specialist Counselor to discuss reasonable accommodations that will help you succeed in this class. Please contact disability services for more information.
Contact: Roy Inouye, Disabilities Services, Email: royinouy@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7448
Campus Security Information: Windward Community College Campus Security Information
Windward Community College utilizes the UH Alert emergency notification system to provide notifications to the university community in the event of an emergency. Alerts are sent to all hawaii.edu email addresses and can also be sent via text message to student, faculty, and staff cell phones. Sign up for UH Alert (UH System).
Contact: Chester Kahalepuna, Interim Security Manager, Email: ckahalep@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7343
Windward Community College persistence and graduation rates are reported annually by the UH Office of Institutional Research under the heading of “Student-Right-to Know” data. The latest findings are posted online at: https://www.hawaii.edu/iro/srtk.php
The UH Institutional Research Office also posts the official headcount at all UH campuses every semester. These data are displayed at the top of its homepage at: https://www.hawaii.edu/iro/
Contact: Ardis Eschenberg, Chancellor, Email: ardise@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7402
WCC’s Educational Rights and Privacy of Students
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records. FERPA is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s educational record and prohibits the University from disclosing information from those records without the written consent of the student. A parent or spouse must obtain written permission from the student (includes minor student) before educational record is disclosed to that parent or spouse.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7466
Federal Regulations require that Windward Community College make available to prospective and enrolled students information regarding:
The Windward Community College Financial Aid Office provides support with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and other financial aid processes and assists with scholarship information and applications. For more information concerning Financial Aid, visit the Windward Community College Financial Aid website.
Contact: Anna Chamberlain, Financial Aid Manager, Email: arc8@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7471
The State of Hawai‘i Department of Health (DOH), the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-157 requires all students to meet health requirements before they attend any post-secondary institution in the State of Hawai‘i. For more information, contact the State of Hawai‘i Tuberculosis Control Branch at 808-832-5731 and Immunization Branch at 808-586-8331.
Certificate of TB (Tuberculosis) Examination and MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) Immunization clearances are required prior to registering for classes. The health clearances must be from a U.S. licensed Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Advanced Practiced Registered Nurse (APRN), Physician Assistant (PA), or clinic. For more information and to download the Health Clearance Form, please see the Windward Community College Health Clearance Information.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7466
The Net Price Calculator is intended to provide an estimated net price information (defined as estimated cost of attendance — including tuition and required fees, books and supplies, room and board (meals), and other related expenses — minus estimated grant and scholarship aid) to current and prospective students and their families based on what similar students paid in a previous year. Please click on the link above to view the Net Price Calculator.
Contact: Anna Chamberlain, Financial Aid Manager, Email: arc8@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7471
UH System EP2.210 Use and Management of Information Technology Resources Policy
Windward Community College, in partnership with UH Information Technology Services (ITS), provides software, services, and technical support to protect the UH community against computer viruses and security threats.
Users of University information technology resources should always engage in responsible computing and network practices. All users must respect property, security mechanisms, right to privacy, and freedom from intimidation, harassment, and annoyance in accordance with all University policies and procedures.
Use of all University of Hawaiʻi information Technology Resources are governed by UH Executive Policy EP2.210: Use and Management of Information Technology Resources (link to the full policy is listed above). Continued use of a UH Username and University Information Technology Resources indicates acceptance of, and agreement to, Executive Policy EP2.210.
The University defines and provides access to institutional computers, information systems and networks as a privilege rather than as a right. Reliable and safe access to the University’s information resources requires that users accept their responsibility to behave in ways that protect the community and preserve their own access.
For more information on IT security go to: http://www.hawaii.edu/askus/729
Technical support is available at the WCC Help Desk, Computing Services: wcc-help@lists.hawaii.edu
Contact: Michael Tom, Computing Services Coordinator, Email: mtom@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7371
University of Hawai‘i Community College Nondiscrimination Policy
It is the policy of the University to provide equity of opportunity in higher education, both in the eIt is the policy of the university to provide equity of opportunity in higher education, both in the educational mission and as an employer. The university is committed to comply with all State and Federal statutes, rules, and regulations which prohibit discrimination. The university is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, sex, gender identity and expression, age, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, disability, genetic information, marital status, breastfeeding, income assignment for child support, arrest and court record (except as permissible under state law), sexual orientation, national guard absence, or status as a covered veteran. Click on the link above to view the policy.
Karen Cho, EEO/AA Coordinator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Employees, Email: kcho@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7404
Karen Cho, Title IX Coordinator, Email: kcho@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7404
College Credit for Previous Work or Life Experiences
Students with life and work experience can shorten the road to attaining a college degree by applying for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). PLA is a process through which students can earn college credit by identifying and documenting college-level learning that has been acquired through life experiences.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7466
View WCC’s Return of Title IV Funds Policy
In accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, and applicable federal regulations, Windward Community College has published a “Return of Title IV Funds Handout”, which outlines the institution’s policy for the return of Title IV aid. When a student who receives Title IV financial aid (consisting of federal grants and/or loans) withdraws from all courses during the semester, fails to earn a passing grade in any course during the semester, or stops attending before completing the semester, the student may be required to pay back a portion, or all, of the financial aid.
Students who receive Title IV financial aid and are contemplating not completing a semester should contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss the effects of not completing their classes.
Contact: Anna Chamberlain, Financial Aid Manager, Email: arc8@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7471
The University of Hawaiʻi system, along with Windward Community College is committed to building an inclusive community that supports and advocates for all Students, Staff and Faculty. We welcome all members of our campus community to our campuses: transgender, māhū and people of all gender identities. Learn more at the Windward Community College LGBTQ+ webpage.
Contact: Ryan Koo, Email: rkoo@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-236-9134
Windward Community College Title IX website
The University of Hawai‘i is committed to maintaining and promoting safe and respectful campus environments that are free from sex discrimination and gender-based violence. Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. Specifically, Title IX prohibits sex discrimination; sexual harassment and gender-based harassment, including harassment based on actual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; sexual assault; sexual exploitation; domestic violence; dating violence; and stalking. For more information, click on the links above.
Contact: Karen Cho, Title IX Coordinator, Email: kcho@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7404
All University of Hawai‘i campuses, including Windward Community College, are tobacco-free, joining more than 2,000 U.S. universities and colleges in an effort to provide a healthy environment for all students, faculty, and staff. State law prohibits the use of tobacco products on all 10 UH campuses and University-owned facilities. Tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smoking tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vapes and chewing tobacco. For more information, see the University of Hawaii Tobacco-Free webpage.
Contact: Ardis Eschenberg, Chancellor, Email: ardise@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7402
Windward Community College offers programs for target populations:
Strategic Plan: Windward Community College Strategic Plan and Outcomes (pdf)
Windward Community College’s Strategic Plan is aligned with the University of Hawai‘i Community College (UHCC) System and the University of Hawai‘i (UH) System Strategic Plans to establish a focus on critical issues affecting the colleges and the State and to set budget priorities. This unified approach provides a framework for the integration of assessment, planning, and budgeting processes for the College. Stated performance measures with benchmarks and projected targets will provide evidence of the College’s progress toward meeting its strategic outcomes. A copy of the Windward Community College’s Strategic Plan and Outcomes is listed above.
Contact: Ardis Eschenberg, Chancellor, Email: ardise@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7402
Academic Grievance Procedures: Windward Community College Academic Grievance Procedures
The College maintains formal procedures for resolving complaints and grievances brought by students who believe a faculty member has acted improperly or in a manner inconsistent with the student’s customary academic expectations. These procedures have been posted here in draft format to update position titles and responsibilities for enactment of these procedures. Furthermore, the College’s policy aligns with University of Hawai‘i AP 9.920, Discrimination Complaint Procedures. Hard copies may be made available upon request from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Please click on the link(s) above for more information.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7466
UH System EP7.208 Student Conduct Code Policy
The Student Conduct Code highlights the rights and responsibilities of students in ensuring that Windward Community College is a safe learning environment. It defines the expected conduct for students and specifies acts subject to University sanctions. Students should familiarize themselves with the Student Conduct Code, since upon enrollment at Windward Community College, students are subject to the policies and regulations of the College. Windward Community College uses and enforces the UH Systemwide Student Code, EP 7.208 and can be viewed by clicking the link above.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7466
Windward Community College has a very diverse population. See the breakdown below and for more information, see “Windard Community College at a Glance”.
Ethnicity Breakdown as of Fall 2021:
Hawaiian/Part Hawaiian: 43%
Asian 19%
Pacific Islander: 1%
All Other: 12%
Mixed: 13%
Caucasian: 16%
Contact: Ardis Eschenberg, Chancellor, Email: ardise@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7402
The Associated Students of the University of Hawai‘i (ASUH) at Windward Community College is a student government organization that represents all students, including full-time, part-time, early college, and distance Ed (online). As one of the five governing bodies on campus, we act as your voice, bringing issues from the student’s point-of-view to the faculty, administration, staff, community groups, and government officials. For more information, please click on the link above.
Contact: Kaahu Alo, Student Life Coordinator/Counselor, Email: kaahualo@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7354
Articulation Policy: Windward Community College Articulation Policy
Acceptance of Transfer Credits: Windward Community College Acceptance of Transfer Credits
Windward Community College has agreements with other institutions enabling students to meet admission requirements and/or to transfer credits. College transfer workshops are offered throughout the year so students can meet with representatives from colleges they may be interested in. Students interested in transferring to another institution should meet with an academic counselor before starting on a course of study leading to a transfer program.
Contact: Jennifer Brown, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Email: jb26@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7466
The amount of refund for a class depends on the date of the beginning of the session and the date on which the student withdraws from the class. Processing of refunds generally start after the end of the 50% drop period for the semester. Refunds for financial aid students who withdraw completely or stop attending classes will be made in accordance with federal regulations. Windward Community College (WCC) reserves the right to redirect refunds to apply to any financial account balances for another semester. To view the WCC Tuition Refund Policy, click on the link above.
Contact: Jerri Ann Samura, Cashier’s Office, Email: jerriann@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7411
To register to vote in Hawai‘i, an individual must be:
For voter registration information or to register online, visit: https://olvr.hawaii.gov/. A current Hawai‘i Driver’s License or State ID is required to complete an online application. Individuals may also submit a paper Voter Registration & Permanent Absentee Application by mail, or in person.
The State of Hawaii (HB 2590) allows eligible voters to register and vote at an Early Walk-In voting location in their county, or on Election Day at the polling place determined by their residence address. For more information on Election Day Registration, please visit the State of Hawai‘i Office of Elections webpage at https://elections.hawaii.gov/.
Contact: Kaahu Alo, Student Life Coordinator/Counselor, Email: kaahualo@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7354
UH System EP9.210 Workplace Non-Violence Policy
The University of Hawai‘i prohibits any work related or workplace violence against its students, faculty, staff, visitors and contract employees which materially and substantially interferes with an individual’s work, academic performance, and/or workplace safety and/or otherwise subjectively and objectively creates a hostile environment. For more information, click on the link above.
Contact: Karen Cho, Personnel Officer, Email: kcho@hawaii.edu, Phone: 808-235-7404
45-720 Kea‘ahala Rd., Kāne‘ohe HI 96744
phone: 808-235-7400
fax: 808-247-5362
© 2025 Windward Community College
Windward Community College is an Equal Opportunity Institution