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BOR Policies and Bylaws 9-40.4 (November 15, 2007); APM III A9.880 page 4, letter c; E1.201 Faculty Involvement in Academic Policy; E2.218, page 2 (Section II. B) Use of institution email for notification of action; WCC Faculty Senate Minutes, November 20, 2006.

Background and Purpose

This policy outlines procedures for timely intervention when students do not maintain the minimum cumulative GPA for satisfactory academic progress. Intervention is intended to encourage and enable return to satisfactory academic progress, and to prevent further damage to the academic record through unsatisfactory grades. Procedures for applying academic actions to student records, and for the readmission of students on academic suspension and dismissal, are established. The policy also provides guidelines for student appeals.


Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs


  • Satisfactory academic standing is maintained with a cumulative GPA at or above 2.0. Satisfactory academic standing is a requirement for graduation and transfer.
  • Unsatisfactory academic standing occurs when the cumulative GPA is below 2.0.
  • Cumulative GPA is calculated by dividing earned grade points by total attempted credits. Grade points are calculated by multiplying grade values (A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1, F-0) by the number of credits assigned to the grade. For example, an A in a 3 credit course results in 12 grade points earned.
  • Warning occurs when a student moves from satisfactory to unsatisfactory academic standing.
  • Probation occurs when a student remains on unsatisfactory academic standing in the semester following a warning.
  • Suspension, a stop out of one semester, occurs when a student on probation is unable to earn a semester GPA of at least 2.0. The forced time out from academics encourages students to resolve outside challenges and to return when school can be made a priority.
  • Dismissal, a forced stop out of two consecutive semesters, occurs when a previously suspended students is readmitted on Probation after Suspension but is unable to earn a semester GPA at least 2.0.
  • Removed from Probation occurs when a student returns to satisfactory academic progress by raising their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher.

Policy and Procedures

  • The Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs (VCSA) will assume primary responsibility for interpretation of guidelines and for implementation of the policy.
  • A student is classified as making unsatisfactory academic progress when the cumulative GPA is below 2.0.
  • Academic actions are taken at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters. Upon the complete posting of final grades, records of all students on unsatisfactory academic progress are reviewed and assessed for academic actions by counselors. Actions are confirmed based on grades posted at the time of review, and actions are taken regardless of the number of credits attempted. Summer grades do not relieve spring actions.
  • Once actions are confirmed:
    • Students will be notified of unsatisfactory academic progress and corresponding actions by letter and/or institution email from the office of the VCSA. Letters are mailed to the primary
      address on file for the student; email is sent to addresses only. Notices are sent as quickly as reasonably possible; usually no later than 10 working days after the complete posting of final grades.
    • All students notified of unsatisfactory academic progress are required to meet with a counselor prior to registration.
    • The registrar will purge subsequent semester registration of suspended and dismissed students, and correct any discrepancies in academic standing discovered in the counselor review.
    • The registrar will enter a notation of actions on the students’ permanent records. Actions to be noted on the academic record are: Probation, Probation Continued, Probation after Suspension,
      Probation after Dismissal, Removed from Probation, Suspension and Dismissal. Warning will not be noted on the academic record.
  • Grades posted by the instructors at the end of the semester are final. Assignment of academic actions, based on review of end of semester grades, is considered final upon completion of the counselor review.
  • Once actions are noted on the permanent record, student appeal of actions or the suspension and dismissal wait periods will be considered only in the event of grading, clerical, technical or other errors, or extreme and extenuating circumstances.

    A student may appeal via a formal letter of petition addressed to the VCSA. Students intending to appeal should first meet with a counselor to discuss their situation and to determine the best course of action. Petitions must be submitted as soon as notification is received and prior to the first day of instruction of the following semester.

    Petitions should address the following, if applicable:
    • Timeliness (why withdrawal by the published deadline was not possible)
    • Specificity (if grades for only certain courses are being contested)
    • Any extenuating circumstances involved
      • Petitions claiming extenuating circumstances must be accompanied by documentation. The decision of the VCSA is final.
  • Academic Actions
      • A student will be placed on warning status each time they move from satisfactory to unsatisfactory academic standing. This action is not noted on the permanent academic record. The student is required to meet with a counselor prior to registration for the following semester. It is possible to be placed on and removed on warning multiple times. If a student on warning is unable to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher, the student will be placed on probation.
      • A student on unsatisfactory academic progress for two consecutive semesters or more will be placed on probation. This action is noted on permanent record. The student must meet with a counselor prior to registration and earn a semester GPA of 2.0 in each subsequent semester to remain eligible for enrollment. The student will continue on probation until their cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or higher. The student will be removed from probation upon raising the cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher. It is possible to be placed on and removed from probation multiple times. While on probation, if the student is unable to earn a minimum semester GPA of 2.0, the student will be placed on suspension.
      • A student unable to meet the terms of probation (above), will be suspended. This action is noted on the permanent record. A suspended student may not enroll in classes at WCC for the following fall or spring semester. Existing registration for the following term will be purged by the registrar. The student must apply for readmission if they desire to return to WCC following the semester of suspension. The student will be admitted on Probation after Suspension. It is possible to be suspended only once; failing to meet the terms of probation after returning from suspension will result in dismissal.
      • A student readmitted on Probation after Suspension will be dismissed for failing to meet the terms of probation.. This action is noted on the permanent record. A dismissed student is not allowed to enroll in classes at WCC for a minimum of two consecutive semesters. Students intending to apply for readmission after the two semester wait period should first meet with a counselor to discuss their situation and to determine the best course of action. Readmission after dismissal is rare, and will be allowed only upon recommendation of the VCSA. Upon recommendation of the VSCA, the student will be admitted on Probation after Dismissal. A second dismissal is considered permanent.
      • These categories are assigned by the registrar to students readmitted after suspension or dismissal. It appears on the permanent record. Students must meet the terms of probation (above) or be subject to further academic action applicable to their previous standing. Students readmitted on probation after suspension or dismissal must meet with a counselor prior to registration. 

Timeline: Cumulative and semester grade point averages are reviewed at the end of each fall and spring term. Notices of academic actions are sent to student within 10 working days of the complete posting of final grades.

Exclusion: Student who audit (L) or enroll in courses for credit-no credit (CR/NC) exclusively are not subject to academic action.

Responsibilities: Student Services: Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Counselors, Registrar

Effective date: End of Fall 2006 term.

Revised date: November 20, 2006