We, the Kānaka Maoli, the Native people of Hawai‘i, are unique by virtue of our ancestral ties to the ‘āina, our history, language, culture, knowledge and spirituality. Ke Kumu Pali envisions Windward Community and the University of Hawai‘i to be committed to the empowerment, advancement, and self-determination of Kānaka Maoli through distinctly Hawaiian instruction, research, and service. Windward Community College (WCC) will be the Piko of Hawaiian knowledge and practices in post secondary learning for the Ko‘olau communities of O‘ahu.
Windward Community College has one of the highest percentages of Native Hawaiian students within the University of Hawai‘i System. Established in 2003, Ke Kumu Pali was made a formal council to the Chancellor in 2005. The purpose of Ke Kumu Pali is to provide a voice and organization through which the Native Hawaiian faculty, staff, students and administrators of WCC can participate in the development and interpretation of campus policy and practice as it relates to Native Hawaiian programs, activities, initiatives, and issues.
Ke Kumu Pali membership is voluntary and is comprised of Native Hawaiians and those associated with WCC as faculty, staff, adjunct faculty, administration, and students who support Ke Kumu Pali’s mission and values.