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The Distance Education Committee’s purpose is to provide advice to the college regarding online and other distance learning activities here at Windward Community College. Specifically, they are charged with the following tasks:

  1. To encourage the development of online course and program materials to enhance student success and further the college’s mission;
  2. To advise on the creation and improvement of policies, procedures, and assessment of distance learning classes;
  3. With the assistance of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, to advise on outcome assessment measures that describe and evaluate the distance education program and provide the data on which future recommendations can be made;
  4. To review and offer advice on the college’s support of distance learning, including facilities, equipment, the college website, and student support;
  5. With the assistance of the disabilities counselor and other appropriate resources, to offer advice on policies and procedures to ensure that accessibility issues are responded to appropriately;
  6. To advise the Office of Academic Affairs on class scheduling, with specific attention to the educational needs of the students, qualifications of instructors, the requirements of the college’s certificates and degrees, and the general institutional goals of the college; and
  7. To assist the college in effectively connecting with external organizations and complying with policies, such as system-level committees and regional accreditation standards. The committee can also consider other elements that affect distance learning, either at the committee’s discretion or at the request of administration.