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The Staff Development Committee (SDC) plans and coordinates faculty and staff development activities and administers professional development initiatives. Its three primary activities include:


A special Staff Development Fund is allocated by the Chancellor to facilitate various staff development activities not otherwise covered. The Staff Development Committee oversees the Fund, the amount of which is dependent on overall College funding and may vary annually. Eligible faculty and staff can apply for Staff Development funds to support their professional growth. Three signatures are required for all fund requisitions: the Chancellor, the respective unit supervisor (Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor of Student Services, etc.), and the Fiscal Officer.

Faculty and staff who receive funding are required to share the outcomes of their professional development by submitting a report to the SDC for online posting. Additional funds are raised by the Staff Development Committee and maintained in a UH Foundation account. These funds are designated solely for expenses that are restricted under the campus account, such as Lei’s for presenters (a Hawaiian tradition) or
food for all-day training events.

Professional Development Opportunities

The SDC plans and organizes events for the college that provide professional development opportunities for faculty and staff through Huis, trainings, and workshops. For instance, the SDC supports workshops and activities like Zumba, Tenure, Promotion, and Contract huis, training workshops on System topics such as security and technology innovations, and more.


The SDC hosts a fundraising event at least once a year to replenish or supplement the SD Foundation account. Additionally, funds are received through donations and gifts.