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As the health situation continues to evolve, modifications to the course schedule may occur. We encourage you to regularly check the schedule of classes, your class schedule in STAR GPS, and your UH email account for updates from faculty and others at WCC.

The following class listing reflects the most current information about class offerings at Windward Community College. To view classes from other UH campuses or seat availability, use the UH Class Availability site.

For information about registration and tuition deadlines, see the Academic Calendar.


Fall 2024

ACC 200
Introduction to Accounting ID Hanson - 08/26–10/1864259
ACC 201
Intro to Financial AccountingD Hanson - 08/26–10/1864104
ACC 202
Intro to Managerial AccountingD Hanson - 10/21–12/1364113
ACC 210
Introduction to Accounting IID Hanson - 10/21–12/1364260
ACC 210
Introduction to Accounting IID Hanson - 10/21–12/1364499
AG 120
Plant ScienceT BleazardF 1:00pm-3:00pmHale Uluwehi B10108/26–12/2064434
AG 152
Orchid CultureH LiTR 10:00am-11:15amHale ‘Imiloa 10108/26–12/2064114
AG 192V
Sp Topic:Tech in AgricultureT BleazardF 9:00am-11:00amHale Uluwehi B10208/26–12/2064444
ANSC 140
Intro to Veterinary TechnologyK Tom-Dela CruzTR 9:00am-10:15amHale Pālanakila 10208/26–12/2064016
ANSC 140
Intro to Veterinary TechnologyK Tom-Dela CruzTR 10:30am-11:45amHale Pālanakila 10208/26–12/2064019
ANSC 140
Intro to Veterinary TechnologyK Tom-Dela Cruz - 08/26–12/2064262
ANSC 142
Anat & Phys of Domestc AnimalsM TsudaMW 9:00am-10:15amHale Pālanakila 10208/26–12/2064008
ANSC 142
Anat & Phys of Domestc AnimalsM TsudaMW 10:30am-11:45amHale Pālanakila 10208/26–12/2064026
ANSC 142
Anat & Phys of Domestc AnimalsM Tsuda - 08/26–12/2064263
Anat of Domestic Animals LabM SummaT 3:00pm-5:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 10308/26–12/2064009
Anat of Domestic Animals LabM SummaW 1:30pm-4:15pmHale ‘Imiloa 10308/26–12/2064015
Anat of Domestic Animals LabM SummaM 3:00pm-5:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 10308/26–12/2064020
Anat of Domestic Animals LabM Tsuda -Hale ‘Imiloa 10308/26–12/2064264
Anat of Domestic Animals LabM TsudaF 10:00am-12:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 10308/26–12/2064265
ANSC 143
Medical Calc. for Vet TechsJ KrauseR 1:30pm-2:45pmHale Pālanakila 10208/26–12/2064376
ANSC 191Vet Office and Computer SkillsS KisselM 1:00pm-2:15pmHale Pālanakila 10208/26–12/2064070
ANSC 253
Pharmacology for Vet TechsJ KrauseR 10:00am-12:30pmHale Pālanakila 21208/26–12/2064213
ANSC 258Clin Lab Tech IIM PeraltaM 1:00pm-3:30pmHale Pālanakila 21208/26–12/2064038
ANSC 258LClin Lab Tech II LabM PeraltaT 9:00am-11:45amHale ‘Imiloa 12308/26–12/2064039
ANSC 258LClin Lab Tech II LabM Peralta - 08/26–12/2064040
ANSC 262Clin Proc for Large AnimalsJ Kelly - 08/26–12/2064374
ANSC 262LClin Proc Large Animals LabJ KellyS 9:00am-4:00pmHale ‘Imiloa 13708/26–12/2064375
ANSC 263Exotic & Lab Animal ProceduresS KisselM 9:00am-11:30amHale Pālanakila 21208/26–12/2064062
ANSC 263LExotic/Lab Animal Proc LabS KisselT 1:00pm-3:45pmHale Pālanakila 21308/26–12/2064058
ANSC 263LExotic/Lab Animal Proc LabS KisselW 1:00pm-3:45pmHale Pālanakila 21308/26–12/2064059
ANSC 271
Anesth & Surg Assist Vet TechT OliveR 1:00pm-2:15pm 08/26–12/2064041
ANSC 271
Anesth & Surg Assist Vet TechT Olive - 08/26–12/2064373
ANSC 271LAnesth & Surg Assist VETT LabJ KrauseT 9:00am-2:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 108/26–12/2064042
ANSC 271LAnesth & Surg Assist VETT LabJ KellyW 9:00am-2:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 108/26–12/2064043
ANSC 271LAnesth & Surg Assist VETT LabJ KellyR 9:00am-2:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 108/26–12/2064372
ANTH 151S-Emerging HumanityI MastersonTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Na‘auao 10408/26–12/2064035
ANTH 151S-Emerging HumanityI Masterson - 08/26–10/1864437
ANTH 151S-Emerging HumanityI MastersonTR 10:00am-11:15am 08/26–12/2064438
ANTH 152S-Culture and HumanityI MastersonTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Na‘auao 10408/26–12/2064036
ANTH 152S-Culture and HumanityI MastersonTR 11:30am-12:45pm 08/26–12/2064439
ANTH 152S-Culture and HumanityI Masterson - 10/21–12/1364440
ART 101Intro to the Visual ArtsR Molyneux - 08/26–12/2064068
ART 105BIntro to Ceramics-HandbuildingE SullivanMW 10:00am-12:30pmHale Pālanakila 21608/26–12/2064153
ART 105CIntro Ceramics-WheelthrowingF LeonardMW 1:00pm-3:30pmHale Pālanakila 21608/26–12/2064154
ART 107Introduction to PhotographyK LandgrafMW 1:00pm-3:30pmHale Pālanakila 11808/26–12/2064227
ART 112Intro to Digital ArtsK Ciurej - 08/26–12/2064081
ART 112Intro to Digital ArtsK CiurejTR 1:30pm-4:00pmHale Pālanakila 12408/26–12/2064343
ART 113Intro to DrawingR Molyneux - 08/26–12/2064115
ART 113Intro to DrawingS GarzonTR 10:00am-12:30pmHale Pālanakila 20208/26–12/2064222
ART 116Intro to 3-D CompositionA Nunn KhanTR 10:00am-12:30pmHale Pālanakila 21408/26–12/2064377
ART 123Intro to Oil PaintingB MyersMW 10:00am-12:30pmHale Pālanakila 20408/26–12/2064044
ART 175Survey of Global ArtM Cadora - 08/26–12/2064069
ART 176Survey of Global Art IIM Cadora - 08/26–12/2064071
ART 223Intermediate PaintingB MyersMW 1:30pm-4:00pmHale Pālanakila 20408/26–12/2064223
ART 243Interm Ceramics-HandbuildingB MyersMW 6:00pm-8:30pmHale Pālanakila 21608/26–12/2064155
ART 244Interm Ceramics-WheelthrowingB MyersMW 6:00pm-8:30pmHale Pālanakila 21608/26–12/2064156
ASTR 110Survey of AstronomyS MoroneyMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 22508/26–12/2064135
ASTR 110Survey of AstronomyG Engh - 10/21–12/1364208
ASTR 110Survey of AstronomyS Moroney - 08/26–12/2064379
ASTR 110LSurvey of Astronomy LabS Moroney - 08/26–12/2064137
ASTR 110LSurvey of Astronomy LabL Harrison - 10/21–12/1364209
BIOC 106
S-Ono Cooking and Food ScienceM Bissonnette - 08/26–12/2064380
Food Science LaboratoryM Bissonnette - 08/26–12/2064381
BIOC 141Fundamentals of BiochemistryC Guay - 08/26–12/2064025
BIOL 100
S-Human BiologyM Smith - 08/26–12/2064045
BIOL 100
Human BiologyR Langston - 08/26–12/2064240
BIOL 171Introduction to Biology IM Manning - 08/26–12/2064006
BIOL 171LIntroduction to Biology I LabM ManningW 12:30pm-3:15pmHale ‘Imiloa 10608/26–12/2064011
BIOL 171LIntroduction to Biology I LabM ManningR 8:30am-11:15amHale ‘Imiloa 10608/26–12/2064024
BIOL 200S-Coral ReefsM ManningTR 1:00pm-2:15pmHale ‘Imiloa 11708/26–12/2064266
BIOL 200Coral ReefsM Manning - 08/26–12/2064447
BLAW 200
Legal Envronmnt of BusinessD Raphael - 08/26–12/2064085
BOT 105S-EthnobotanyT Michael - 08/26–12/2064181
BOT 111Introduction to AlgaeJ Dollar - 08/26–12/2064445
BOT 130S-Plants in Hawaiian EnvirnmntM Shimada - 08/26–12/2064251
BOT 130LS-Plants in Hawn Environ LabT MichaelF 8:30am-11:15amHale ‘Imiloa 10108/26–12/2064267
BOT 160ID of Tropical PlantsT Michael - 08/26–12/2064382
BOT 205Ethnobotanical PharmacognosyT MichaelW 1:00pm-3:30pmHale ‘Imiloa 10108/26–12/2064268
CHEM 100Chemistry and SocietyM BreslerMW 3:00pm-4:15pmHale ‘Imiloa 11108/26–12/2064010
CHEM 100
Chemistry and SocietyM Ferguson - 08/26–12/2064383
Chemistry and Society LabM Ferguson - 08/26–12/2064080
CHEM 161
General Chemistry IM Ferguson - 08/26–12/2064021
CHEM 161General Chemistry IC GuayTR 10:00am-11:15amHale ‘Imiloa 11108/26–12/2064182
General Chemistry I LabM Ferguson - 08/26–12/2064022
CHEM 161LGeneral Chemistry I LabM BreslerM 11:30am-2:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 13108/26–12/2064207
CHEM 161LGeneral Chemistry I LabM Bissonnette - 08/26–12/2064269
CHEM 162General Chemistry IIC Guay - 08/26–12/2064183
CHEM 162LGeneral Chemistry II LabM BreslerW 11:30am-2:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 13108/26–12/2064184
CM 120
Intro to Digital VideoJ OrigF 3:30pm-6:00pmHale Pālanakila 22508/26–12/2064317
CM 220
Intermediate Digital VideoJ OrigF 3:30pm-6:00pmHale Pālanakila 22508/26–12/2064362
DNCE 121Beginning BalletA DurrantMW 1:00pm-2:15pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064318
DNCE 122Continuing Beginning BalletA DurrantMW 1:00pm-2:15pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064319
DNCE 131Beginning Modern DanceA DurrantMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064385
DNCE 132Cont. Beginning Modern DanceA DurrantMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064386
DNCE 221Low Intermediate BalletA DurrantMW 1:00pm-2:15pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064320
DNCE 231Low Intermediate Modern DanceA DurrantMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064387
ECON 130Principles of MicroeconomicsP Briggs - 08/26–12/2064003
ECON 130Principles of MicroeconomicsP Briggs - 08/26–10/1864034
ECON 131Principles of MacroeconomicsP Briggs - 08/26–12/2064004
ECON 131Principles of MacroeconomicsP Briggs - 10/21–12/1364116
ENG 100
S-Composition ID PoteetTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064053
ENG 100
Composition IL UyedaW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064054
ENG 100
S-Composition ID PoteetTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Manaleo 11208/26–12/2064072
ENG 100
Composition IS St JohnTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Manaleo 12508/26–12/2064086
ENG 100Composition IR BarclayM 8:30am-9:45amHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064087
ENG 100Composition IA PriesmanMW 8:30am-9:45amHale Manaleo 11210/21–12/1364090
ENG 100Composition IR BarclayM 11:30am-12:45pmHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064091
ENG 100Composition IR Barclay - 08/26–12/2064092
ENG 100
Composition IL UyedaW 1:00pm-2:15pmHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064111
ENG 100Composition IR BarclayW 8:30am-9:45amHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064112
ENG 100
Composition IA RobillardMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Manaleo 12508/26–12/2064173
ENG 100
Composition ID Poteet - 08/26–12/2064236
ENG 100Composition IE Ho - 08/26–12/2064247
ENG 100
Composition IA RobillardMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Manaleo 12508/26–12/2064250
ENG 100
S-Composition ID PoteetMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064420
ENG 100
S-Composition ID PoteetMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064421
ENG 100Composition IR Barclay - 08/26–12/2064492
ENG 100WComposition I Writing WorkshopR BarclayR 8:30am-9:45amHale Manaleo 12608/26–12/2064093
ENG 100W
S-Composition I Writng WorkshpD PoteetMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Manaleo 11208/26–12/2064422
ENG 200WI,S-Composition IIA Priesman - 10/21–12/1364117
ENG 200
WI-Composition IIS St JohnF 10:00am-11:15amHale Manaleo 12508/26–12/2064423
ENG 209
WI,S-Business WritingA Priesman - 08/26–10/1864424
ERTH 101
S-Introduction to GeologyA AryalTR 10:00am-11:15amHale ‘Imiloa 11308/26–12/2064388
Introduction to Geology LabA Aryal - 08/26–12/2064427
ERTH 103
S-Geology of Hawaiian IslandsA Aryal - 08/26–12/2064144
ERTH 210
S-Oahu Field GeologyA AryalS 10:00am-12:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 11308/26–12/2064390
GEO 101
S-The Natural EnvironmentW Smith - 08/26–12/2064196
GEO 101
S-The Natural EnvironmentW Smith - 10/21–12/1364271
GEO 101
S-The Natural EnvironmentW SmithM 10:00am-12:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 11310/21–12/1364272
GEO 101L
S-The Natural Environment LabW Smith - 08/26–12/2064197
GEO 102
S-World Regional GeographyW Smith - 08/26–12/2064270
HAW 100
Lang. in Hawai'i:Global IssuesE Kini - 10/21–12/1364321
HAW 101Elementary Hawaiian IB BorengasserTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Aʻo 10208/26–12/2064046
HAW 101
Elementary Hawaiian IJ HondaMW 6:00pm-8:00pm 08/26–12/2064170
HAW 101Elementary Hawaiian IB BorengasserMW 11:30am-1:30pmHale Aʻo 10708/26–10/1864363
HAW 102Elementary Hawaiian IIB BorengasserMW 11:30am-1:30pmHale Aʻo 10710/21–12/1364120
HAW 201Intermediate Hawaiian IB BorengasserMW 6:00pm-8:00pm 08/26–12/2064392
HDFS 230
Human DevelopmentF HerbicTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Na‘auao 12508/26–12/2064094
HDFS 230
Human DevelopmentE Baker - 08/26–10/1864275
HDFS 231
Infancy and Early ChildhoodK O'Dell - 08/26–12/2064277
HIST 151
World History to 1500M Lau Kong - 10/21–12/1364001
HIST 151
World History to 1500M Lau Kong - 08/26–10/1864123
HIST 151World History to 1500R KooMW 8:30am-9:45amHale Pālanakila 21308/26–12/2064185
HIST 151
World History to 1500M Lau KongT 1:00pm-2:25pmHale Pālanakila 21208/26–10/1864186
HIST 151
World History to 1500M Lau Kong - 08/26–12/2064279
HIST 152World History since 1500R Koo - 08/26–12/2064095
HIST 152World History since 1500R KooMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 21308/26–12/2064124
HIST 152
World History since 1500M Lau Kong - 10/21–12/1364125
HIST 152
World History since 1500M Lau KongT 1:00pm-2:25pmHale Pālanakila 21210/21–12/1364280
HIST 284WI-History of Hawai'iD Froning - 08/26–10/1864126
HIST 284WI-History of Hawai'iD Froning - 10/21–12/1364188
HLTH 125
Survey of Medical TerminologyK Longenecker - 08/26–12/2064055
HLTH 125
Survey of Medical TerminologyK Longenecker - 08/26–12/2064056
HLTH 125
Survey of Medical TerminologyK Longenecker - 08/26–12/2064356
HWST 107S-Hawai'i: Center of PacificM TupouTR 1:00pm-2:15pmHale Aʻo 10108/26–12/2064012
HWST 107
S-Hawai'i: Center of PacificD Sai - 08/26–12/2064017
HWST 107S-Hawai'i: Center the PacificW CookTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Aʻo 10608/26–12/2064172
HWST 107
S-Hawai'i: Center of PacificD Sai - 08/26–10/1864189
HWST 107S-Hawai'i: Center of PacificM Tupou - 08/26–10/1864190
HWST 107
S-Hawai'i: Center of PacificD Sai - 08/26–12/2064233
HWST 110S-Huaka`i Wa`a: Hawn VoyagIngM Manu - 08/26–10/1864097
HWST 130Hula 'OlapaK Hewett - 10/21–12/1364096
HWST 135S-Kalai La'au: Hawn WoodworkJ SouzaMW 10:00am-12:45pm 11708/26–12/2064160
HWST 136Kalai La'au IIJ SouzaMW 10:00am-12:45pm 11708/26–12/2064428
HWST 155
Nā Limu HawaiʻiB OrnelasM 10:00am-12:45pmHale Aʻo 10208/26–12/2064432
Nā Limu Hawaiʻi LabB OrnelasW 10:00am-12:45pmHale Aʻo 10208/26–12/2064433
HWST 255
WI-Intro to Hawaiian KingdomD Sai - 08/26–12/2064192
HWST 270
S-Hawaiian MythologyE Kini - 10/21–12/1364234
HWST 285La'au Lapa'au: Hwn Med HerbsC PuaauliMW 2:30pm-5:00pmHale Aʻo 10208/26–12/2064303
ICS 100
Computing Literacy & AppsM Kato - 08/26–12/2064002
ICS 101
Digital Tools Info WorldL Sue - 08/26–12/2064014
ICS 101
Digital Tools for Info WorldM Kato - 10/21–12/1364146
ICS 101
Digital Tools for Info WorldC HitosugiW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 12208/26–12/2064395
ICS 101
Digital Tools for Info WorldM Kato - 08/26–10/1864446
ICS 111
Intro to Computer Science IL Sue - 08/26–12/2064007
ICS 111
Intro to Computer Science IL SueR 1:00pm-2:15pm 08/26–12/2064150
ICS 119
Intro to Social MediaL CamvelTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 12408/26–12/2064354
ICS 123
Intro to Digital Audio/VideoM Kato - 10/21–12/1364282
ICS 171
Intro to Computer SecurityR Pacheco - 08/26–12/2064179
ICS 184
Introduction to NetworkingR Pacheco - 08/26–12/2064337
ICS 203
Digital Image EditingM Kato - 08/26–10/1864435
ICS 281
Ethical HackingJ Oshiro - 08/26–12/2064248
IS 103
Introduction to CollegeL UyedaTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 22508/26–12/2064083
IS 103Introduction to CollegeJ PaganMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Na‘auao 12508/26–12/2064084
IS 103Introduction to CollegeJ KaneakalauTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Na‘auao 10508/26–12/2064157
IS 103
Introduction to CollegeC MirandaTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Aʻo 10608/26–12/2064175
IS 103Introduction to CollegeK AloTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 12408/26–12/2064355
IS 103Introduction to CollegeS SutherlandMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 10408/26–12/2064429
IS 130
CSI HawaiiR LangstonMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 13308/26–12/2064398
IS 201
S-The Ahupua'aW CookT 1:00pm-2:15pmHale Aʻo 10208/26–12/2064194
JPN 101
Elementary Japanese IA Swan - 08/26–12/2064128
JPN 102
Elementary Japanese IIA SwanF 11:00am-11:50amHale Manaleo 11108/26–12/2064400
JPN 102
Elementary Japanese IIA Swan - 08/26–12/2064459
MATH 82Algebraic FoundationsC Farias - 08/26–12/2064050
College Algebra CompanionJ StormF 11:30am-1:20pmHale Mana‘opono 11508/26–12/2064102
MATH 100
Survey of MathematicsR Garry - 08/26–10/1864028
MATH 100Survey of MathematicsC Farias - 10/21–12/1364061
MATH 100
Survey of MathematicsJ StormTR 1:00pm-2:15pmHale Mana‘opono 11508/26–12/2064249
MATH 103
College AlgebraJ StormTR 8:00am-9:50amHale Mana‘opono 11308/26–12/2064101
MATH 103
College AlgebraJ StormMW 11:30am-1:20pmHale Mana‘opono 11508/26–12/2064103
MATH 103
College AlgebraR Garry - 08/26–12/2064151
MATH 103
College AlgebraD DonlinTR 5:30pm-7:20pm 08/26–12/2064284
MATH 103
College AlgebraJ StormMW 11:30am-1:20pmHale Mana‘opono 11508/26–12/2064465
MATH 111
Math for Elementary Teachers IB Hopkins - 08/26–10/1864030
MATH 112
Math for Elem Teachers IIB Hopkins - 10/21–12/1364129
MATH 115
Intro to Stats and ProbabilityB Hopkins - 08/26–12/2064158
MATH 115
Intro to Stats and ProbabilityB HopkinsF 11:30am-12:45pmHale Mana‘opono 11308/26–12/2064285
MATH 135
Precalc: Elementary FunctionsB Hopkins - 08/26–12/2064029
MATH 135
Precalc: Elementary FunctionsR Walker - 08/26–10/1864031
MATH 140
PreCalc:Trig/Analytic GeometryR Walker - 10/21–12/1364032
MATH 140
PreCalc:Trig/Analytic GeometryB Hopkins - 08/26–12/2064286
MATH 203
Calculus for Business & SocSciR Walker - 08/26–10/1864287
MATH 241
Calculus IN Singh - 08/26–12/2064199
MATH 241
Calculus IN Singh - 08/26–10/1864401
MATH 242
Calculus IIN Singh - 08/26–12/2064073
MATH 242
Calculus IIN Singh - 10/21–12/1364402
MATH 243
Calculus IIIJ Storm - 08/26–10/1864074
MATH 244
Calculus IVJ Storm - 10/21–12/1364288
MATH 75XIntro to Math ReasoningC FariasTR 11:30am-1:20pmHale Mana‘opono 11308/26–12/2064048
MICR 130
General MicrobiologyH LiMW 8:30am-9:45amHale ‘Imiloa 11108/26–12/2064013
MICR 130General MicrobiologyJ Carrillo - 08/26–12/2064152
General Microbiology LabH LiMW 10:00am-11:50amHale ‘Imiloa 10608/26–12/2064067
MUS 121F
Slack Key Guitar 1J Peterson - 10/21–12/1364405
MUS 121Z`Ukulele 1K Kimokeo - 08/26–10/1864147
MUS 121Z`Ukulele 1K Kimokeo - 08/26–10/1864162
MUS 121Z`Ukulele 1M Kane - 08/26–10/1864203
MUS 122Z`Ukulele 2M Kane - 10/21–12/1364204
MUS 211Intro to Hawaiian EnsembleK Kimokeo - 10/21–12/1364149
MUS 211Intro to Hawaiian EnsembleK Kimokeo - 10/21–12/1364348
MUS 231C
Applied Music, Western (Piano)S Kimura - 08/26–10/1864109
MUS 231C
Applied Music, Western (Piano)S Kimura - 10/21–12/1364130
MUS 277Mele, Mo`olelo, and MotionK Hewett - 10/21–12/1364225
MUS 277Mele, Mo`olelo, and MotionK Hewett - 08/26–10/1864310
MUS 277Mele, Mo`olelo, and MotionK Hewett - 10/21–12/1364347
MUS 296Sp Topics: SongwritingK Kimokeo - 08/26–12/2064322
OCN 101Intro to Marine Option ProgramM ManningTR 3:15pm-4:15pm 10/21–12/1364289
OCN 201
S-Science of the SeaD Krupp - 08/26–12/2064332
PACS 108Pacific WorldsT Allen - 08/26–12/2064324
PHYL 141
Human Anatomy & Physiology IR Langston - 08/26–12/2064075
PHYL 141
Human Anatomy & Physiology IR LangstonTR 10:00am-11:15amHale ‘Imiloa 13308/26–12/2064357
Human Anatomy & Physiol I LabR LangstonR 11:30am-2:15pmHale ‘Imiloa 10308/26–12/2064076
Human Anatomy & Physiol I LabR LangstonT 11:30am-2:15pmHale ‘Imiloa 10308/26–12/2064077
PHYL 142
Human Anatomy & Physiolgy IIM Smith - 08/26–12/2064105
PHYL 142
Human Anatomy & Physiology IIM Smith - 08/26–12/2064359
PHYS 272General Physics IIJ HudsonMW 5:30pm-6:45pmHale ‘Imiloa 13308/26–12/2064408
PHYS 272LGeneral Physics II LabJ HudsonF 4:00pm-6:50pmHale ‘Imiloa 13708/26–12/2064409
POLS 120Intro to World PoliticsR FujimotoMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 22708/26–12/2064005
POLS 120Intro to World PoliticsR FujimotoTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 22708/26–12/2064145
POLS 130Intro to American GovernmentR FujimotoMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 22708/26–12/2064202
POLS 130Intro to American GovernmentR FujimotoTR 8:30am-9:45amHale Pālanakila 22708/26–12/2064410
POLS 180Intro to Hawaiian PoliticsR FujimotoTR 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 22708/26–12/2064065
PSY 100
Survey of PsychologyL Bensman - 08/26–12/2064018
PSY 100
Survey of PsychologyF HerbicTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Na‘auao 12508/26–12/2064023
PSY 100
Survey of PsychologyF HerbicMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Na‘auao 12508/26–12/2064079
PSY 100
Survey of PsychologyF Herbic - 08/26–10/1864132
PSY 100
Survey of PsychologyF PalacatTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Na‘auao 10508/26–12/2064217
PSY 100
Survey of PsychologyF PalacatMW 10:00am-11:15amHale Na‘auao 10508/26–12/2064230
PSY 100
Survey of PsychologyL Bensman - 08/26–12/2064412
PSY 100Survey of PsychologyK Soma Tsutsuse - 10/21–12/1364413
PSY 170
Psychology of AdjustmentF Palacat - 08/26–10/1864219
PSY 224Abnormal PsychologyF Herbic - 10/21–12/1364292
PSY 253Conflict Resolution MediationK Gauci - 10/21–12/1364254
PSY 260
Psychology of PersonalityL Bensman - 08/26–12/2064415
PSY 270
WI-Intro Clinical PsychologyF PalacatMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Na‘auao 10408/26–12/2064218
PSY 270
WI-Intro Clinical PsychologyF PalacatMW 11:30am-12:45pm 08/26–12/2064231
REL 150Intro to Major World ReligionsZ Soriano - 08/26–12/2064037
REL 150Intro to Major World ReligionsR MasonF 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 10208/26–12/2064416
REL 151Religion & Meaning of ExistnceZ Soriano - 10/21–12/1364295
SCI 295ASInt to STEM Research AerospaceJ HudsonS 11:30am-2:00pmHale ‘Imiloa 11210/21–12/1364500
SOC 100
Survey of General SociologyK French - 08/26–12/2064229
SOC 214
Intro to Race and EthnicityK French - 10/21–12/1364296
SOC 251
WI-Intro Sociology of FamilyK French - 10/21–12/1364297
SP 151Personal & Public SpeechJ Lau - 10/21–12/1364107
SP 151
Personal & Public SpeechA MendozaM 10:00am-11:15amHale Manaleo 11108/26–12/2064141
SP 181
Intro to Interpersonal Comm.C Kaiminaauao - 08/26–10/1864418
SP 251
WI-Princples Effectiv SpeakingA MendozaMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Manaleo 11108/26–12/2064057
SP 251WI-Prin Effective Public SpkngJ Lau - 08/26–10/1864299
SP 251WI-Prin Effective Public SpkngJ Lau - 10/21–12/1364300
SP 261
Organizational CommunicationA MendozaTR 12:00pm-1:15pmHale Manaleo 11108/26–12/2064442
SPAN 101
Beginning Spanish IZ Payne - 08/26–12/2064047
SPAN 101
Beginning Spanish IZ Payne - 08/26–12/2064078
SPAN 102
Beginning Spanish IIZ Payne - 08/26–12/2064066
SPAN 201
Intermediate Spanish IZ Payne - 08/26–12/2064108
THEA 101
Intro to Drama & TheatreT KinoshitaMW 11:30am-12:45pmHale Pālanakila 22508/26–12/2064206
THEA 131
Beginning Unarmed Stage CombatK LeeTR 2:30pm-5:00pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–10/1864238
THEA 132
Beginning Sword Stage CombatK LeeTR 2:30pm-5:00pmHale Pālanakila 22410/21–12/1364315
Beg Theatre Prac: (Acting)T KinoshitaTR 7:00pm-9:30pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064138
Beg Theatre Prac: StagecraftT KinoshitaTR 7:00pm-9:30pmHale Pālanakila 22808/26–12/2064139
Beg Theatre Prac: (Costume)T KinoshitaTR 7:00pm-9:30pmHale Pālanakila 22808/26–12/2064140
THEA 220Beginning Voice and MovementA DurrantTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064133
THEA 221
Acting IB HagioMW 2:30pm-5:00pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–10/1864082
THEA 221
Acting IB HagioTR 10:00am-11:15amHale Pālanakila 22508/26–12/2064159
THEA 222
Acting IIT KinoshitaMW 2:30pm-5:00pmHale Pālanakila 22410/21–12/1364237
THEA 260
Dramatic ProductionT KinoshitaMWF 7:00pm-9:30pmHale Pālanakila 22408/26–12/2064134
WGSS 151
S-Intro Women Gender SexualityK French - 08/26–12/2064301
WGSS 200
WI-Culture, Gender, AppearanceK French - 08/26–10/1864302