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Relevant System and College Policies

UH Regents Policy 5.201 Instructional Programs
UHCC Policy 5.202 Review of Established Programs
UH Regents Policy 4.205 Institutional Accountability and Performance
UH Regents Policy 4.203 Unit Academic Plans
UH Executive Policy 4.201 Integrated Long-Range Planning Framework
UHCC Policy 4.101 Strategic Academic Planning
UHCC Policy 4.202 Culture of Evidence

Sanctioning Authority

The Planning and Budget Council formulates recommendations to the Chancellor for approval and implementation. All recommendations stemming from the PBC are treated as advisory. The Chancellor reserves the right to accept, in whole or in part, or refuse the Council’s recommendations.

  • If the Chancellor does not implement or accept the Council’s recommendation, the Chancellor will provide a written explanation to the Council.
  • If the vote on a Council decision or recommendation is close (difference of 4 votes or less), the Council will present a majority and minority written report to accompany the formal recommendation.


Director of Planning, Research and Assessment, through consultation with the Chancellor, will assure that minutes are posted and prior meeting minutes and agenda items are distributed in a timely manner.


The Planning and Budget Council provides advice and counsel to the Chancellor regarding forces that are currently or will have impact on the College’s plan of action that is designed to accomplish specific goals. Initiatives to achieve these goals are justified by assessment, analysis, and evidence of community needs. A major outcome of the PBC’s work is regular review and updating of the Strategic Plan and the prioritization of the College budget requests.

The goals of the Planning and Budget Council are to ensure that the College is best positioned to:

  1. Utilize or leverage the College’s strengths;
  2. Strengthen the College’s areas of weakness;
  3. Take advantage of new opportunities; and,
  4. Monitor and respond to external contingencies.

The primary mission of the PBC is to:

  1. Review, evaluate, and update the College Strategic Plan, at least once a year;
  2. Prioritize strategic action based on program reviews, annual reports, instructional and non-instructional assessments, and summary reports from deans and directors; and,
  3. Review, evaluate, prioritize, and make recommendations to the Chancellor regarding the use of resources in the College budget requests, and regarding resource requests for future funding.


The Operational, Institutional, Academic Support, and Student Affairs members, the Ke Kumu Pali member, and the Career and Community Education member will be elected by their units to two-year terms. All other participants are members through their positions or designated by their units. If any member cannot attend a meeting, they should appoint any bonafide member of their constituency to act as their proxy. Members must notify the Chancellor’s secretary and the convener prior to the meeting of who they have designated as their proxies. Proxies have the authority to vote on issues that come up at any meeting they attend.

  1. Academic Support General Member
  2. Academic Support Technical Member
  3. Assessment Coordinator
  4. Career and Community Education Member
  5. Department Chair – Humanities
  6. Department Chair – Language Arts
  7. Department Chair –Math and Business
  8. Department Chair – Natural Sciences
  9. Department Chair – Social Sciences
  10. Information Specialist (Office of Planning, Research and Assessment)
  11. Director of Career and Community Education
  12. Director of Planning, Research and Assessment
  13. Faculty Senate Chair
  14. Institutional Effectiveness Committee Member (ex officio, non-voting)
  15. Institutional Support Member
  16. Ke Kumu Pali Member
  17. Operational Support Member
  18. Phi Theta Kappa Member
  19. Staff Senate Member
  20. Student Affairs General Member
  21. Student Affairs Counseling Member
  22. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  23. Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs
  24. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
  25. WCC-ASUH Member
  26. Chancellor (ex officio, non-voting)
  27. Chancellor’s Secretary (non-voting, recorder)


The Chancellor will serve as convener and is responsible for formulating the agenda for the meeting, taking questions from the floor, indicating motions to be voted on, announcing the outcome of the vote, and keeping the meeting flowing smoothly.


There is no compensation for serving on the Planning and Budget Council.


The Planning and Budget Council will meet selected Fridays from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. during the Fall and Spring semesters based on the availability of members. Additional meetings will be scheduled if necessary. Meetings usually begin the third week of each semester and follow a modified version of Robert’s Rules of Order.

During the Fall semester the Planning and Budget Council:

  1. Reviews and updates the Windward CC Strategic Plan on an annual basis, including ensuring the integration of results of Annual Assessments and Program Reviews into the review and update process;
  2. Develop, communicates and utilizes criteria to prioritize strategic planning and budgeting initiatives; and,
  3. Addresses operational issues and set operating guidelines and priorities.

During the Spring semester, the Planning and Budget Council:

  1. Recommends proposed budget requests and resource allocations, in accordance with System guidelines and in line with Windward CC needs and institutional assessment;
  2. Makes recommendations to the Chancellor regarding priorities and allocations for the operating budget, new and replacement equipment budget, and new and replacement position authorization.

If recommendations to the System need to be made during the Summer, a sub-committee of 11-month faculty, staff, administrators and volunteers from the membership will be established that will make decisions and inform the rest of the membership of how they reached their decision and what was passed on to the System.

Decision-Making Procedures

A quorum is established when at least 50 percent plus one of the Planning and Budget
Council members or their proxies are present. A motion passes if a majority votes in favor of it. If there is a tie, the non-voting member of the IEC will vote to break the tie.

Agendas, meeting notes, and pertinent documents are posted on the Planning and Budget Council website, but it is also the responsibility of the Planning and Budget Council member to report results of the discussions back to their department, office, or unit. Feedback from the members’ constituency should be reported back to the Planning and Budget Council at the following meeting.

The Planning and Budget Council will follow the timeline below:

July-September: College data for Annual Reports distributed to Department Chairs.

August 15 (tentative): “Official” System data received for the Annual Report of Program Data.

August 15 – October 30: Annual Report of Program Data reports completed online; Annual Reports and related Planning and Budget Council requests completed by departments.

November 1: Department Chairs and other designated persons submit first draft of the Annual Report with Annual Report(s) of Program Data and assessment links and Planning and Budget Council requests to Dean, Director, or Vice Chancellor (i.e. administrative lead) for comment.

November 1 – November 15: Dean, Director, or Vice Chancellor provide feedback to Department Chairs and other designated persons on all facets of the Annual Report.

November 15 – November 30: Department Chairs and other designated persons revise report as necessary.

December 1: Department Chairs and other designated persons submit revised reports and associated documents to designated administrative lead.

December 1 – December 15: Final editing by administrative lead in collaboration with Department Chairs and other designated persons.

December 15: Final draft of Annual Report submitted by administrative lead to Director of Planning, Research and Assessment for posting on the Planning and Budget Council website. Annual Report of Program Data due to the System.


When necessary, the Planning and Budget Council will create sub-committees or task forces to research areas for member discussion. This will be done on a case-by-case basis.


The convener in consultation with Planning and Budget Council members is responsible for setting up the agenda for the meetings. The convener or the Chancellor’s secretary will disseminate the agenda to all Planning and Budget Council members or their proxies at least two days prior to the next meeting.

The Chancellor’s secretary is the designated recorder, and will disseminate the notes of the meeting to members for review and comment at the next Planning and Budget Council meeting. After discussion, the Information Specialist will post the approved version of the minutes on the Planning and Budget Council website.

If there are additional documents used in the discussion, they should be forwarded to the Chancellor’s secretary at least two days prior to the meeting so they can be disseminated to Planning and Budget Council members with the meeting agenda and previous meeting’s notes by the Chancellor’s secretary. The Chancellor’s secretary also will make sure that they are posted on the Planning and Budget Council website prior to the meeting.

Assessment of the Group

The Planning and Budget Council membership includes an ex-officio, non-voting representative of the Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC).  The IEC representative observes the PBC process, and coordinates a meta assessment of the PBC every two years.  The meta-assessment results are discussed by the Planning and Budget Council and posted on the website.

Dissolution of the Group

The Planning and Budget Council can be dissolved and or repurposed upon recommendation of the Chancellor.

Modification of a Group’s Charter

The Director of Planning, Research and Assessment through consultation with the Chancellor, and with benefit of assessment results, will update these policies and procedures every two years. Members could suggest modifications.

Revised April 19, 2024