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The purpose of these guidelines is program is to ensure the safe operation of golf carts and utility vehicles on the Windward Community College campus and to make all operators aware of the hazards that exist. These guidelines are designed to assist in preventing damage or injuries that may occur while operating golf carts or other utility vehicles.

Statement of Policy

It is the policy of Windward Community College to provide employees, students and visitors with a safe and healthful environment. This training guide and the regulation for golf cart and utility vehicle usage on the Windward Community College campus has been created with the intent of insuring a safe working and learning environment.


The words cart and vehicle will be synonymous with each other in this document.


  1. Operators must possess a valid Driver’s License
  2. All operators must attend safety training specific to the vehicle which they are driving.
  3. Operators will not exceed 5 MPH in carts.
  4. Operators shall not use cell phones or other communications devices while driving.
  5. Operators shall not operate vehicles outside the grounds of Windward Community College.
  6. Operators shall not exceed the maximum safe occupancy of the vehicle.
  7. Operators shall not exceed the recommended load capacity for the vehicle.
  8. No modifications shall be done without the approval of the manufacturer.
  9. No vehicles will be operated between sunset and sunrise without headlights, taillights, and brake lights.
  10. Charging of electric carts and fueling of gas powered carts will be done in a well ventilated area clear of any ignition sources.
  11. Carts are to be parked away from heavily traveled pedestrian areas. No parking in front of building entrances.
  12. Pedestrians have the right of way; carts must yield to pedestrians on sidewalks. If approaching pedestrians reduce speed to ensure no accidents.
  13. Modifying or tampering with a cart’s governor is strictly prohibited.

Responsibilities of Operators

Supervisors and employees operating carts have specific responsibilities for ensuring that these vehicles are operated in a safe manner pursuant to Windward Community College guidelines and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines.


Windward Community College Maintenance Department is responsible for:

  1. Maintaining carts in housekeeping.
  2. Maintain all records of department employees driving carts (i.e. driver’s licenses).
  3. Keeping all original equipment and safety features in good working order.
  4. No golf carts or utility vehicles will be operated on steep hills or in an unsafe manner.


Employees are responsible for:

  1. Inspecting the vehicle before operating and documenting any problems.
  2. Attending a safety program prior to operating a cart.
  3. Operating the cart in a safe manner.
  4. Reporting any accidents to the Campus Security and his/her direct supervisor immediately.


Supervisors are responsible for:

  1. Ensuring that drivers are licensed and have attended the approved safety training prior to operating the vehicle.
  2. Submitting employee driver’s license verification to the Safety and Security Manager.
  3. Taking timely corrective action for any employee infractions of this policy.
  4. Ensure their carts are operating properly, and insuring repairs are made immediately if presenting an unsafe condition.

Safety and Security Manager

The Safety and Security Manager is responsible for:

  1. Providing the appropriate training for employees of the College.
  2. Assisting supervisors with compliance of this policy.
  3. Procurement of safety devices such as reflective markings and mirrors for these vehicles.
  4. The safety and security manager will investigate all incidents involving golf cart operations involving damages and/or injuries. Completed investigations will be forwarded to the VCAS for review.


  1. Will consist of a power point presentation or safety video concerning the safe usage of golf carts and utility vehicles.
  2. A hands on training demonstrating operating and safety features of the vehicle.
  3. A practical exam by the employee demonstrating the ability to operate the cart.
  4. All operators will attend the annual recertification class conducted by the Safety and Security manager on the safe operation of the golf cart/utility vehicle.
  5. Remedial training will be conducted by the Safety and Security manager as needed.