Chancellor for Community College Memo
CCCM#2250: Teaching Assignment Policy
Background and purpose
Based on the Faculty Senate recommendations on Assigned Time (April 4, 2007), this document establishes the following:
- That all divisions on campus, including the Chancellor’s Office, Student Services, and the Office of Vocational Education (ETC), adopt a common set of policies and procedures to guide the application for and the allocation and assessment of assigned time and overload for 9- and 11-month teaching and non-teaching faculty;
- That a new or existing representative body be appointed by the Chancellor to review and revise current criteria and procedures for approving the requested reassignment with input from the Faculty Senate Chairs;
- That a detailed outline of these policies, procedures, and criteria be made easily accessible to all faculty members; and
- That a list of assigned time recipients be distributed to the entire faculty annually.
WCC Chancellor
Policies and Procedures
- Contract renewal, tenure and promotion, and 5-year review all require documented service at the campus level. Membership on campus committees is considered service so long as it is provided without assigned time
- For those serving as officers on standing committees (Faculty Senate and Curriculum Committee) and for those serving as department/division chairs, there are long-standing practices for allocating assigned time (CCCM 2250), which exempts them from the application process. However, the Chancellor may request proposals for assigned time from any individual if s/he feels the circumstances surrounding the original grant of assigned time have changed.
- A 3-member, ad hoc subcommittee of the Faculty Senate, composed of an 11-month, 9- month, and ETC faculty member, shall evaluate and make recommendations to the Chancellor for all other requests for assigned time. The 3-member committee selects one of the members to act as the subcommittee convener.
- The subcommittee, appointed by the Faculty Senate by the first week of September, sends the three names to the Chancellor. The subcommittee will meet twice in the academic year: on or about October 15 for spring assignments and on or about March 15 for fall and academic year assignments. The subcommittee may also be called to meet if requests are made after the deadline.
- The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA) will send an announcement and application for assigned time by September 30 for assignments beginning spring semester, and by February 28 for assignments beginning fall semester. The VCAA also receives assigned time applications and forward them to the Subcommittee.
- The Subcommittee determines its procedures and uses the following criteria for evaluating and recommending applications to the Chancellor for assigned time. (A template of the application follows this document.)
- Decisions on assigned time will be made within two weeks of the Chancellor receiving the Subcommittee’s recommendations. Decisions shall be made by the Chancellor in consultation with appropriate administrators and in light of the recommendations of the subcommittee, taking into account scheduling, budget considerations, and college priorities. If the Chancellor or other administrator requires more information to make a decision, s/he may call the Subcommittee together for consultation. Should the decision differ from the subcommittee recommendation, a written explanation will be provided to the Faculty Senate chairs.
- This policy and procedure will be made accessible to all faculty members online.
- The list of recipients will be made accessible to all faculty members online.
Timeline: Annual revision
Responsibilities: WCC Chancellor’s Office, WCC Instructional Office
Effective date: August 1, 2010
Revised April 19, 2024