General tutoring services are free of charge and open to all current WCC students. As many students learn in different ways, we have multiple different services. Tutoring may be long-term, short-term, or a single visit, depending upon the needs of the student. To access tutoring, refer to one of our many programs.
Ka Piko at Windward Community College is committed to student success by providing testing, tutoring, and success workshops to help students build a foundation for independent lifelong learning and self-efficacy.
Ka Piko services are FREE for all WCC students!
Knowledgeable and friendly tutors at the Math Lab provide assistance for all math courses offered at WCC, helping to improve studentsʻ understanding of important concepts and problem solving processes.
Ka Piko Speech Lab offers support for enhancing communication skills, including verbal and nonverbal delivery, research, APA citations, organization and outlining, thesis development, anxiety reduction, and the effective use of visual aids.
Consult with a Writing Lab Tutor to get assistance with writing needs at any stage of the writing process (brainstorming, drafting, revising, etc.) for any course.
TRiO SSS provides services to increase retention, graduation, and transfer rates from two-year to four-year colleges/universities, and to foster an institutional climate supportive of the success of low-income, first-generation, and/or disabled college students. The list of services includes everything from tutoring to filing taxes to financial aid and food.
The University of Hawaii Community Colleges offers free online, on-demand tutoring, through Tutor.com. Tutors are always available, even late at night when your instructor or TA may not be. Stuck on a problem? Want someone to review your paper? This tutoring service is easy to use and can be accessed on any device that connects to the internet.
An embedded tutor is a successful student assigned to a specific course to help students understand course concepts and enhance student engagement. Typically, these students have successfully completed the course and are familiar with the course content and design, as well as the instructor’s expectations. Embedded tutors support students out of class via one-on-one or group sessions.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an embedded tutoring program that targets historically difficult courses. An SI Leader attends their assigned course each time it meets and hosts SI Sessions – regularly-scheduled, out-of-class review sessions in which students work collaboratively to understand course content and prepare for examinations. WCC has the only accredited SI program in the State of Hawai‘i by the International Center for Supplemental Instruction.