Ka Piko Tutoring Instructions (Dropping in & Booking appointments)
Students can drop-in in person or virtually anytime during drop-in (live) hours (while tutors are working).
In-Person: In-Person: During drop-in hours, visit us in Hale Laʻakea (Library Learning Commons):
Virtual: Once logged in and on the waitlist, a unique Zoom room will be generated and sent to you via email/text. Simply click on the link to get your tutoring session started.
Connect with a tutor by following these steps:
Students can book an appointment with our services for a future tutoring session. Once you’ve booked an appointment, you will receive an email with the session’s Zoom link. Read our other online tutoring policies.
Book an appointment by following these steps:
Math problem got you stumped? The Math Lab provides FREE assistance for all math courses offered at WCC, helping to improve students’ understanding of important concepts and problem solving processes.
The Math Lab is equipped with PC computers, large study tables, whiteboards, dry erase markers, math textbooks, and calculators that can be utilized anytime in the lab.
The Math Lab is closed on weekends and holidays.
Check out our Math Lab FAQs for answers to some common questions.
Scott Sutherland
Ka Piko Coordinator
Bethany Hopkins
Hale Mana‘opono 112A