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Windward Community College welcomes students with disabilities to participate in our full range of credit and noncredit offerings.  If you have a documented physical, cognitive, mental health, sensory, neurological, or severe health disability which could interfere with your educational progress, you are invited to meet with the Disability Counselor to discuss needed accommodations.  It is your responsibility to identify yourself and request assistance.


You will need to provide documentation of your disability.  This documentation should be provided by a qualified professional, should state a specific diagnosis, indicate any limitations in an educational setting, and make recommendations regarding possible accommodations.  If you do not already have documentation, the Counselor will suggest possible referrals.  This documentation is essential for you and the Counselor to develop your accommodation plan.

Instructor Notification

Confidentiality – all disability related information will be maintained in a confidential manner and may not be shared without your permission.  If you will be receiving accommodations for exams or services in the classroom, Instructors will be notified that you have a verified disability and will be told the specific accommodations that you require.

Once your accommodation plan is in place, you are encouraged to speak privately with your instructor to discuss any concerns.