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Welcome to Windward CC Early College!

The WCC Early College High School (ECHS) philosophy is to promote a college-going culture at the high school campus for students. It targets Native Hawaiian, First Generation, and low socioeconomic status (SES) students while at high school (HS). Our programs are supported by federal Title III grants, Harold K. L. Castle Foundation, and Kamehameha Schools.

College instructors teach college courses at the high school allowing for dual high school/college credit. These courses have the same content and student learning outcomes as our on campus courses. Success is promoted by partnering the college instructor with a high school instructor, the “success coach”, who helps to motivate, engage, track, and mentor students. It is further enhanced by removing financial, transportation, and social barriers by offering the classes at the high schools tuition free for high school students.

Students & Families

Roles and Expectations

Consent to Disclose FERPA form

Health Clearance Form

MyUH Account and Service Tools Instructions and Gmail Forwarding


Roles and Expectations

Laulima tutorial

WCC Calendar

Course Outline

Syllabus Template

Incomplete Form

Tips for Faculty when entering grades

WCC Fieldtrip form

High School Support Staff

Roles and Expectations

Other Forms

Photo Release Form

Contact Information

For general information about Early College, contact:

Kehau Iwashita
Early College Coordinator

The legislature has authorized $2.5 million for high schools statewide to pay for coursework for the 2019-20 school year. This does not provide for counselors, textbooks, enrichment and other support. WCC is able to provide this support because of the generosity of the Harold KL Castle Foundation, Kamehameha Schools and US DOE Title III. Mahalo to our Student Affairs ʻohana for all the support they provide to make this happen!

News Release: