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What is the Skill Project?
MOP students are required to complete a MOP Skill Project of their choice and design. Student internships and research projects have encompassed a wide variety of topics including:

  • Marine mammal communication
  • Summer research cruises
  • Artificial reef construction
  • Marine photography and videography
  • Underwater surveys of marine habitats
  • Marine paintings and sculptures

Past projects have run from scientific research to endeavors in the arts. Each year, students from all UH campuses have the opportunity to present the results of their projects at the annual MOP Student Symposium.

Details of the Skill Project
The MOP philosophy is that with only classroom and laboratory learning, you leave college incompletely educated about the ocean. Therefore, first-hand experience is central to the MOP Certificate requirements.

The MOP Seminar (OCN 101) is designed to help you choose a topic and develop a written plan or proposal for your independent project. By enrolling for credits (OCN 195VI or SCI 295BL) while carrying out the project, it becomes part of your academic record.

Your MOP Coordinator will help you survey potential topics, identify an appropriate mentor, prepare your proposal and carry out your project in a timely fashion. You can come into the MOP office with an idea, find a ready-made opportunity by reading Seawords (the MOP newsletter), or scan the bulletin board in your campus MOP office for ideas. Not all projects fit the academic calendar; however, such projects can be accommodated. You may undertake a project alone or with one or more MOP students. The projects can be based on- or off-campus. Often MOP can provide supplies, equipment, or funds to assist with your project.

Project Proposal
Before you begin your MOP Skill Project you will need to submit a project proposal for approval. This involves background research, synthesis of a research question or project plan, and an outline of the plans you have for your project. In order to help you with this, we will complete a project proposal in the MOP seminar course. Guidelines are also linked at the bottom of this page.

Progress Reports
Keep in touch with your MOP Coordinator during the project by submitting periodic progress reports. Projects are concluded by a final report which may be in the form of a written paper, an oral presentation at the annual MOP Student Symposium, a performance, an art show, a culinary creation, or in whatever medium best displays your work. MOP Coordinators assist students in selecting an appropriate format for the final report and guide students in evaluating their learning.Guidelines are also linked at the bottom of this page.

Download Project Proposal and Progress Report Guidelines:

MOP Progress and final report guidelines (pdf)
MOP Skill Project Proposal Guidelines (pdf)