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2021-2025 UHPA-BOR Contract, Article VI, Section A: Sabbatical Leaves

Section A. Sabbatical Leaves:

  1. The purpose of the sabbatical leave is to provide Faculty Members with an opportunity for further professional growth and development so that they may serve more effectively on their campuses and in their field of specialization.
  2. Only tenured Faculty Members at Rank 2 or above may be eligible for a sabbatical leave after six (6) years or twelve (12) semesters of full-time creditable service with the University. Any leave of up to thirty (30) days will not constitute a break in service. Credit toward sabbatical leave is computed in units of not less than a full semester for I and C Faculty Members provided that I and C Faculty Members appointed effective on October 1 or February 1 of the respective semesters shall have such semester count as a full semester. All other classifications shall compute service from the most recent date of hire. Full-time creditable service refers to full-time active duty service at the University.
  3. The term of a sabbatical leave shall be for a period of twelve (12) months (usually an academic year) at half the pay that would have been received had the leave not been taken or six (6) months (a semester) at the same pay that would have been received had the leave not been taken.

    Tenured Faculty Members serving on eleven-month (11-month) appointments may alternatively be granted sabbatical leaves of shorter duration with full pay at proportionately more frequent intervals after the initial period of six (6) years of full-time creditable service at the University, provided that the total leave with pay taken within a sabbatical leave period does not exceed that provided for regular sabbatical leave.
  4. Each Faculty Member who receives a sabbatical leave shall agree to return to the University System for service for a period of not less than the period of the sabbatical leave.
  5. Each Faculty Member who applies for a sabbatical leave shall submit through the Chair to the Dean/Director or Vice Chancellor, a description or narrative of the educational program, research, or other professional activity to which the Faculty Member proposes to devote the leave, along with the reasons for undertaking such a program while on leave. The Dean/Director or Vice Chancellor shall note a recommendation on each application and shall forward each to their Chancellor or Provost.
  6. Applications for sabbatical leaves shall be evaluated on the basis of:
    • The nature of the educational or professional program to be undertaken.
    • The effect of the applicant’s absence on the work of the department or unit and on the operations of the University.

      Applications that were previously approved as to item (a) above, but were denied because of item (b) or as a result of budget constraints, shall be given priority.

      Previous leaves of absence credited in writing towards sabbatical leave eligibility or provided in other articles of this Agreement shall not prejudice the evaluation or approval of sabbatical leave applications.
  7. All applications for sabbatical leave shall be received by the Dean/Director, Chancellor, or Provost at least six (6) months before the effective date of the leave. The decision to deny the leave shall be rendered in writing, stating the reasons, within four (4) months after receipt of the application by the Dean/Director, Chancellor or Provost.
  8. It is expected that a Faculty Member, whenever financially possible, on a sabbatical leave at full pay will not take employment for compensation during the leave, and that one on half pay will not take more than half-time employment, unless such employment is necessary for or enhances the attainment of the purposes for which the leave was granted. Faculty Members can argue the necessity of accepting pay as a means of accepting a sabbatical. In such cases, details of the compensated employment should be included in the outline of the proposal submitted to the Dean/Director, Chancellor, or Provost. Included in this provision is the acceptance of fellowships and grants. Upon returning from sabbatical leave, the Faculty Member shall report to the Employer in writing, within one (1) semester, on activities during the leave, through the Dean/Director, to the appropriate Chancellor or Provost.
  9. Faculty Members on sabbatical leave shall maintain and accrue all rights and benefits provided in this Agreement.