UHCCP 9.237 – Teaching Equivalencies defines non-instructional teaching equivalencies, commonly referred to as assigned time, and establishes the duties and responsibilities of full-time faculty members, including a combination of instructional and non-instructional activities.
“When the non-instructional assignments exceed that which is normally expected of an individual faculty member, the faculty member may be assigned a non-instructional equivalency based on the guidelines in Appendices 1-5. If special circumstances arise, the Chancellor may make modifications to the established range of semester hour equivalencies.”
“The assignment of non-instructional equivalencies is intended to provide faculty who have assumed responsibilities beyond the normal expectation the time necessary to meet both their remaining teaching obligations, and the demands of their additional responsibility. Therefore, except for unusual circumstances, faculty who are assigned non-teaching equivalencies should not be assigned classes that result in an overload payment.”
Non-instructional TEs fall into five categories: Department/Division Chair, Program Coordinators, Discipline Coordinators, Faculty Governance Leadership, Other Teaching Equivalencies.
“The total teaching load for the academic year shall be calculated by adding the instructional and non-instructional teaching equivalencies to total 27 teaching equivalencies, with a maximum of 18 teaching equivalencies in any one semester.”