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Early Admit is open to public and private high school and homeschooled students and allows students to take college courses at Windward Community College. Early Admit students who successfully complete the college class receive college credit.

For more information about registering for Early Admit, email Nicole “Nani” Pagan at


Running Start is a state-wide program that provides an opportunity for academically qualified high school students enrolled in a Hawai‘i Department of Education school (including charter schools) to enroll in college classes through the University of Hawai‘i system as part of their high school coursework.

For more information about registering for Running Start, email Nicole “Nani” Pagan at


With Early College High School, college instructors teach college courses at the high school allowing for dual high school/college credit. These courses have the same content and student learning outcomes as our on campus courses. However, success is promoted by partnering the college instructor with a high school instructor, “the success coach,” who helps to motivate, engage, track, and mentor students.

For more information about registering for ECHS, please contact your high school counselor.


FeatureEarly AdmitRunning StartEarly College
Public School Students
Private School Students
Charter School Students
Homeschool Students*
Earn College Credits**
Earn HS Credits
Classes at WCC Campus
Classes at HS
Select your own courses
HS chooses courses
No health clearance required *
Student pays tuition
HS Pays Tuition
Use Kama‘aina Application
Submit Windward CC Early Admissions application
Submit Dual Credit form

*Homeschooled students must submit DOE Form 4140 & Health Clearance requirements for in-person courses
**Earn college & HS credit at the same time – requires HS approval