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Where is the Math Lab located?
Math lab is located inside the WCC Library – Room 220

Who are the Math Lab tutors?
Math lab tutors are current and/or former WCC students who received positive feedback/recommendation from their Math instructors.

Who can get help from Math Lab tutors?
Any student taking a Math course at WCC may ask for tutoring help.

Do I need to make an appointment to go to the Math Lab?
No. Students can drop by any time during open hours to get help. In fact, students can work on Math homework in the Math Lab with their classmates and ask questions as needed.

What if the Math Lab is not open?
When the Math Lab is not open you can use the following online resources:
Offers free online tutoring in a variety of courses and levels

UH Online Learning Academy (OLA)
Provides online tutoring in math and science courses. Tutoring Hours: 9am–10pm, Monday through Friday; Sunday 5–10pm Closed on all State Holidays.

Khan Academy
Offers videos on math and science topics with short quizzes

Provides computational tools, facts, and examples

What resources are available in the Math Lab?
Students can borrow current math text books for use in the Math Lab and other types of math text books to take home. Computers are also available.

Which math courses can I get help with?
Most of our tutors can help you with any of the math courses offered at Windward Community College.

Can I bring food into the Math Lab?
No, food is not allowed in the Math Lab. However, food is allowed in the area around The Hub Coffee Shop for your convenience.