Ka Piko Services provides FREE tutoring, testing, tech support services, and student success workshops for all WCC students. Our goal is to help you build the skills you need to be successful in college and beyond.
Live (Drop-in) Math, Speech, and Writing Tutoring. Drop-in tutoring offers students the ability to work with tutors via Zoom or in-person anytime we offer “live hours” without an appointment and with very little (if any) wait-time. Students can drop-in during tutoring hours.
Appointment-based Math, Speech, and Writing Tutoring. Students can book tutoring appointments in advance to reserve a specific date and time with a tutor. Appointments can be made via star.hawaii.edu/appointment.
Tutor.com provides all UH Community College students free online, on-demand, chat-based tutoring. Tutors are always available, even when your teacher isn’t. Students can also drop off an essay for review and feedback. Connect with Tutor.com via hawaii.edu/tutor/.
Ka Piko Tutors are available Monday – Friday for various hours throughout the day. Some days we even have tutors available until 8pm! We are closed on most weekends and holidays. View our tutoring schedule to find out exactly when tutors are available.Tutor.com is available to students 24/7 via hawaii.edu/tutor.
Connecting with a Ka Piko Tutor is easy and can be done two ways: (1) students can connect from their personal device (laptop/computer, tablet, smartphone); or (2) students can connect from one the Ka Piko Labs (Math Lab, Writing Lab) in the Library (Hale Laʻakea).
To connect from your personal device, follow these steps:
To connect from Ka Piko Labs on campus, follow these steps:
Ka Piko Services are primarily staffed by your WCC peers! This means that they are very often familiar with WCC courses, WCC instructors, and other WCC support services. The Ka Piko Team is excited to work with you!
Contact Scott Sutherland, Ka Piko Coordinator at scottjks@hawaii.edu. You can also reach him by phone at 808-235-7467 (x467 from on campus).