The Windward Community College (WCC) Veterinary Technology Program is committed to the humane and compassionate treatment of animals. Our program does not maintain resident cat or dog colonies. Instead, we provide free medical care for shelter animals so that they can be more quickly adopted and live happy and healthy lives. We also work with feral cat colony managers to humanely decrease the feral cat population through the TNRM* program.
WCC has an Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC) that is devoted to ensuring that animals are used in a humane manner on our campus. All instructional activities using live animals are governed by USDA**, AVMA, and IACUC policies. If you have a concern about the program’s use of animals, please do not hesitate to contact any of the following individuals:
Alternately, you may refer to the UH-system Policy 7 – Reporting Concerns of Animal Misuse or Abuse (ANONYMOUS COMPLAINTS OR REPORTS ARE ACCEPTED):
All concerns will be treated seriously and rigorously investigated. Corrective action will be taken as appropriate. No employee, student or community member shall be discriminated against or subject to reprisal for reporting animal use concerns.
** USDA – United States Department of Agriculture
AVMA – American Veterinary Medical Association