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At times, the Financial Aid Office will need additional information to determine a student’s Financial Aid eligibility.  Students are informed of any additional requirements through their UH email. Beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, most forms will be online forms through our Third Party Vendor ProVerifier powered by ProEd. Unless otherwise stated below, complete the necessary forms online. Please also be sure to complete the correct form(s) for the correct school year.

Ability to Benefit
Used to determine high school completion or equivalency
Click here to complete
Authorization to Disclose Financial Aid InformationAccess Form
Appeal for Dependency OverrideClick here to complete
Federal Direct PLUS (Parent) Loan Request
Used by parents of dependent undergraduate students to apply for Parent Loan
Access Form
Federal Direct Student Loan Request
Used by students to request student loan(s)
Click here to complete
Legal Guardianship VerificationClick here to complete
Satisfactory Academic Progress AppealClick here to complete
Petition for Special CircumstancesAccess Form
Request for Cost of Attendance AdjustmentsAccess Form
Unusual Enrollment History Review
Used to determine eligibility for students who have attended multiple colleges or universities in the past three years.
Click here to complete

*(Submit to WCC Financial Aid Office( via UH File Drop)