This policy replaces WCC Policies 4.4 as the Employment Training Center has been terminated, and new programs have developed.
The purpose of this policy is to provide Windward Community College (WCC) with a sustained, formal, systematic process of reviewing the effectiveness of all academic degree programs and support units within a five-year cycle as part of assessing the institution’s effectiveness. The overall focus of this review is the collection, analysis, presentation and use of evidence to ensure that a high quality of education is being provided to students and that the mission of the campus is being achieved. This ongoing process provides data from which the College can make informed decisions in the improvement of student learning and resource allocation.
This policy was developed to complement the Board of Regents Policy RP 5.201, Section 3-E-2.b Review of Established Programs and the University of Hawaii Executive Policy-Administration, E5.202 Review of Established Programs. While the BOR policy requires a program review every five years, WCC recognizes the need for more frequent reviews to ensure the quality of education provided. Annual assessment reports will, therefore, be conducted and compiled into a comprehensive program review every five years. In the first round, some programs will not have five years of data and analysis to use for their program review.
The Chancellor of Windward Community College is responsible for assuring that timely and effective program review takes place at the College and forms the basis for college planning and decision-making.
For the purpose of this review process, a program is a ‘department’ or courses of study or educational experiences leading to a degree or certificate or other student-centered objective. A support unit is an administrative or support group that has related job functions that are primarily non-instructional, but are essential for overall institutional effectiveness, such as planning and fiscal management. A program or support unit is coherent enough to have its goals and purposes defined and its effectiveness evaluated.
The following are identified as programs and support units:
Support Units:
The department chair with the assistance of program coordinators, in consultation with program faculty or staff, shall be responsible for analyzing the assessment data and completing a written analysis with recommendations in the annual assessment reports. They also shall be responsible for using the program review results in decision-making related to program improvement and resource allocation, and for shepherding the reports through the planning and budgeting process.
The IEC will assist the programs/units in the review process through developing a calendar for program reviews and helping with the development/refinement of student learning outcomes. The IEC will also assist in the identification of appropriate assessment tasks or data collection methods as well as the identification of action plans for improvement based on assessment results. The IEC will also provide additional assessment workshops for programs, support units, and the College.
The Office of Institutional Research will be responsible for preparing and providing data necessary for annual assessment reports and program review. It will assist the program administrators or department chairs in analyzing the assessment data and completing the annual assessment reports and the comprehensive program or unit reviews (every five years) and make these reports available on the Planning and Budget Council website for budget prioritization in a timely manner.
Department Chairs in consultation with their program deans and directors are responsible for the timely completion of reviews of their units, and for using the information derived from those reviews in making program decisions and budget requests to the Planning and Budget Council (see timeline below). Deans and directors may make internal reallocations or adjustments within their unit budgets based on evidence and documented need.
June-August: College data for Departmental Annual Reports distributed to Department Chairs. Department Chairs and designated persons within offices and divisions of the offices work on the “non-official” College data and begin the analysis on the Departmental Report Template on which the data was distributed or on the Non-Instructional Template.
August 15: “Official” System data received for the Annual Report of Program Data.
August 15-September 15: Annual Report of Program Data reports completed online, and Planning and Budget Council Forms are initiated in departments.
September 15-October 1: Department Chairs and designated persons submit the first draft of the Annual Report with Annual Report of Program Data and assessment links and Planning and Budget Council forms to Dean, Director, or Vice Chancellor for comment.
October 1- October 15: Dean, Director, or Vice Chancellor provide feedback to Department Chairs and other designated persons on all facets of the Annual Report.
October 15 – November 1: Department Chairs and other designated persons revise report as necessary.
November 1: Reports sent to Third Party Reviewer for comment.
November 1-November 15: Feedback from Third Party Review on all aspects of Annual Report due back to Department Chairs and designated persons for revision.
December 15: Final draft of Annual Report due for posting on the Planning and Budget Council website and Annual Report of Program Data due to the System.
Exclusions: Programs or activities that receive special funding through grants are excluded from this policy. These programs are unique in that they have different reporting and evaluation timetables, reporting format requirements, and mandated outcomes methods. The assessment processes for these programs are mandated by the granting agencies, and while not identical in format, provide essential data for decision-making.
Responsibilities: The Director of the Office of Institutional Research through consultation with the Chancellor will assure this policy is updated in a timely manner.
Effective date: May 3, 2024
Revised date: May 3, 2024