Board of Regents Policy 5.214 Student and Credit Transfer within the University
UHCCP 5.302 Prior Learning Assessment Program
The Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL) Ten Standards for Assessing Learning
Memorandum Of Understanding for Acceptance of PLA Credit
Cost Of Credit by Institutional Exam and Portfolio Based Assessment
UH Manoa Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations
UH Manoa College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
UH Manoa International Baccalaureate (1B)
Background and Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for Prior Learning Assessment at Windward Community College (Windward CC).
The philosophy of the Windward CC faculty is to encourage and assist students in obtaining college credits for competencies gained as a result of past educational experiences. Such credits are to be used toward meeting certain certificate or degree requirements of the College.
Students with life and work experience can shorten the road to attaining a college degree by applying for Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), which describes the assessment of college level learning that has been acquired outside a traditional academic environment for college credit. As noted in UHCCP 5.302, there are different forms of assessments, but credit for prior learning must only be awarded to students who demonstrate knowledge, skills and performance at the college level.
Students may choose to validate their expertise through a number of evaluation procedures. The number of credit hours that may be earned through the PLA program varies and is dependent on the type of PLA assessment given. PLA credits may not be used to meet the residency requirement of 12 credit hours or 20% of credit hours needed toward a degree or certificate.
Awarding of credits at Windward CC applies ONLY to degrees and/or certificates. The granting of credits at Windward CC in no way obligates another institution to accept the same credits or apply those credits in the same manner. Other colleges and community colleges, even within the University of Hawai‘i (UH) System, may have slightly different policies for accepting transfer credits.
Based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Acceptance of PLA Credits delineated in UHCCP 5.302, those opportunities at Windward Community College include: Portfolio Based Assessment, Credit by Institutional Exam (formerly Credit by Exam), Nationally standardized equivalency exams, Military experience and training.
Faculty Senate and Curriculum Committee
UH System Definitions
- Equivalency Exams: College-level exams yielding college credit for specific subject areas developed by institutions, private organizations or government agencies (i.e., AP, CLEP, DSST, UExcel). In the UH System, Credit by Institutional Exam is another form of equivalency exams and are created by UH faculty for specific courses.
- Non-Collegiate Sponsored Education – Learning sponsored by institutions and organizations whose primary focus is not education such as private industry, labor unions, professional associations, voluntary associations, state and federal government agencies (military training, federal or state certified professionals).
- Portfolio Based Assessment (PBA)- College credit awarded by the assessment of a student’s learning through an evaluation of a portfolio demonstrating a student’s documented learning, certifications, licensures, work samples, awards, honors, job descriptions, job accomplishments, evidence of self-directed study or work. This type of assessment may also incorporate performance and skills evaluations and faculty interviews of students.
General Procedures for ALL Prior Learning Assessments. Procedures for each specific PLA are detailed below.
- Students must be officially enrolled in at least one other course at Windward CC during the semester in which PLA assessment is requested. (UHCCP 5.302 111.F.1.a.i)
- Student must declare an academic program of study. (UHCCP 5.302 111.F.1.a.iii)
- Any credits awarded for Prior Learning must be in accordance with the standards and guidelines established by the Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL). (UHCCP 5.302 111.F.2.a)
- Credit for Prior Learning shall not be used to meet the 12 credit minimum residency requirement for graduation. (UHCCP 5.302 111.F.2.b)
- Criteria for awarding credit should be demonstrated mastery of student learning outcomes at a “C” level or higher. (UHCCP 5.302 111.F.2.c)
- The maximum number of credits that may be awarded by PLA assessments shall not exceed 48 credits. (UHCCP 5.302 111.F.2.d)
- The transferring of credits earned from Prior Learning to other UH Community Colleges, UH Hilo, UH Maui College, and UH West Oahu, and any other non-UH school will be at the discretion of the receiving Institution. (UHCCP 5.302 111.1.1). Students should be informed by both “sending” and “receiving” campuses that not all transfer credits will meet program core requirements. Typically, these college courses are transferred as elective credits. (Prior Learning MOU “Agreement to accept Prior Learning Credits.”)
- No quality points shall be computed in the student’s grade point ratio (GPR).
- Official documentation sent to Admissions & Records
- Equivalency Exams
- College-level exams yielding college credit (i.e. College Level Examination Program, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, DSST, UExcel)
- A passing score on an equivalency examination will be recorded as a CR; and the credit shall be recorded as “Advanced Standing” credit on the student’s academic transcript.
- With an acceptable examination score, students may receive credit for the AP, CLEP, and IB. Please refer to the appropriate UH Manoa website for the fact sheet for 8f, CLEP. and IB exams. Windward CC uses the minimum scores recognized for credit by UH Manoa. The English score is subject to the review and approval of English faculty before credit is granted.
- Additions to the Windward CC CLEP, AP or IB list are made on the basis of:
- recommendation by appropriate Windward CC instructional staff;
- minimum scores recognized for credit by UH Manoa;
- minimum scores recognized for credit by UH Hilo;
- minimum scores recognized for credit by UH West Oahu;
- development of equivalent courses in the Windward CC curriculum
- Credit by Institutional Exam (CBIE)
- Conditions for eligibility
- The student will submit to the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs a signed CBIE form and a list of reasons to justify his/her eligibility.
- The student will receive prior approval of the department.
- The student shall register for and pay the course fee required for each course for which examinations are requested.
- Retakes for the same course are not permitted.
- A student must complete the request form and register for the course. Instructor-developed examination requirements must be met by the last day of instruction for that semester. Students will not be charged a proctoring fee for taking CBIE.
- Results from these examinations will be transmitted to student no later than the last day of the semester in which they were tested.
- Examination grades recorded on the student transcript will be identified by CR (Credit) or NC (No Credit). A notation will be made indicating that the grade was earned CBIE and that the only grades given for this purpose are CR/NC.
- The Office of the Registrar will maintain internal records which are available to the Transfer Institution by request.
- Departments that will consider CBIE are: Business, Language Arts, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. The credit-by-exam is offered for only selected courses within these departments. See the Department Chairperson for further information. Presently, Humanities, Math/Business do not allow students to receive CBIE.
- CBIE will only be offered for the semester in which the class is offered.
- Non-Collegiate Sponsored Education Credit
- Records of non-collegiate training must be provided to Windward CC.
- Although Windward CC has many resources available, including many of the catalogs of institutions of higher learning, the student will remain ultimately responsible for providing supporting documentation if the College is not able to make course evaluation.
- Course credit recommendations provided by the ACE in the National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs may be used by programs in determining the type and amount of credit that may be granted.
- Windward Community College reserves the right to reject recommendations made by the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines.
- Portfolio-Based Assessment
- Students can document their learning acquired through previous work experience by preparing a portfolio, which will provide evidence of learning from outside the traditional classroom. The documentation and evidence are reviewed by a panel of subject matter experts who use course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) as the basis to compare the portfolio documentation and evidence.
- Based on this review process, recommendations will be made to award the appropriate number of college credits and a grade of “PBA,” which does not give grade points but only course credits.
- Students pay equal to 60% of the tuition fee for the course credits requested.
- Portfolio-based assessment is recommended for students who have substantial professional or community experience and college-level writing skills (i.e. qualify for ENG 100 placement).
The end of the Add-period for every semester.
Effective date:
Fall 2023
Revised date:
When necessary.