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Board of Regents policy 5.202 Awards for Excellence in Teaching

Background and Purpose:

To establish and implement campus procedures and an advisory committee for nominating Windward Community College faculty for the Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award, the Windward Community College Meritorious Lecturer Award, and other teaching awards.


A. The Chancellor has authority over the Windward Community College Meritorious Lecturer Award, including the appropriate award and recognition.

B. The Board of Regents has authority over the Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award.

C. The Excellence in Teaching Committee shall be the primary advisory group for campus teaching awards.


A. Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching and Windward Community College Meritorious Lecturer Awards

1. Criteria

The committee ought to focus on the strength of the nomination narratives, with special consideration given to nominations by students. Other available evidence can also be appealed to. The focus is the impact of the person on student success. Teaching awards are not awards for general effectiveness or service to the institution.

2. Regulations

a. One Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award shall be granted each academic year to a BOR-appointed faculty member whose appointment is 0.5 FTE or greater.

b. For the Windward Community College Meritorious Lecturer Award, only those who have taught in the current academic year or the previous summer and who are not eligible for the Board of Regents award are eligible.

c. Previous recipients are not eligible to be nominated.

d. A nominator cannot be a member of the Excellence in Teaching Committee.

e. Faculty members are prohibited from soliciting their own nominations. Such solicitation will result in disqualification.

3. General Timeline for the Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award and the Windward Community College Meritorious Lecturer Award.


Committee membership is finalized by the Chancellor

The Committee suggests changes to the nomination forms and establishes the specific dates for the nomination process to the Chancellor.

The college’s web administrator shall ensure that the nomination form and committee pages are up-to-date and functioning properly.


Nominations open. Periodic announcements are sent to employees and students via email and posted on the campus website.

Online nominations will require user authentication.


In the first week – Nominations close.

By the third week – The Committee makes its recommendations to the Chancellor.

By the fourth week – The Chancellor determines awardees for both awards.


The Chancellor forwards the name and other information for the Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award to the Office of the President of the University of Hawai‘i.

The Committee proposes changes, if any, to policies and procedures to the Chancellor. Ideally, the approved proposals are implemented by the end of the academic year.

B. Other Teaching Awards

For other teaching awards, the Committee shall follow the policies and procedures governing those awards, or guidelines given by the Chancellor, or, otherwise, their own deliberations.


The Windward Community College Chancellor is responsible for this policy.

Created: August 1, 1995

Revised April 19, 2024