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July 17, 2018

TO: Doug Dykstra, Chancellor

FROM: Tom Doi, Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

SUBJECT: Campus Compliance of Executive Policy 11.201

The assigned committee met during the course of the semester and reviewed the required documents online. Addressed in bold are the areas that require a response on how Windward Community College is meeting these elements. These requirements were listed in the Drug Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.

Descriptions of the AOD Program Elements

For employees:

  • The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to all WCC employees. The EAP is conducted by Work Life Hawaii and the professional counseling for drug and alcohol use.
  • Certain collective bargaining agreements (UPW and HGEA) allow alcohol and controlled substance testing. The System Office of Human Resources coordinates random drug testing for UPW employees.

For students:

  • WCC has an on-campus Mental Health and Wellness Counselor who can offer referrals for substance abuse treatment:
    • Mental Health and Wellness Counselor speaks at Welina Windward, a day-long orientation for incoming first-year students
    • Mental Health and Wellness Counselor also conducts classroom presentations to educate students about available services
    • The New Student Orientation (NSO) includes information about mental health and wellness counseling services
    • Mental Health and Wellness Counselor conducts a workshop at student employee training

Statement of AOD Program Goals and a Discussion of Goal Achievement

  • Ensuring that students, staff, and faculty are aware of the dangers of abuse of alcohol and other drugs and have information and resources to address such abuse
  • Ensuring appropriate enforcement

Summaries of AOD Program Strengths and Weaknesses

  • Need increased awareness of EP 11-201 policy across both students and employees

Procedures for Distributing Annual AOD Notification to Students and Employees

  • Annual notification is emailed annually to all students and employees
  • Notification is included in documents given to new hires

Copies of Policies Distributed to Students and Employees

  • Notification can be found on WCC website

Recommendations for Revising AOD Programs

Suggestions for improvement:

  • A link to the EAP on WCC’s Human Resource page
  • Give information about the EAP to new hires (include in the emailed checklist)
  • Mention the EAP purpose at WCC’s Convocation twice a year
  • Educate students more on the Student Conduct Code (at NSO, Welina Windward, and through classroom presentations) highlighting consequences for drug and alcohol infractions
  • Messaging on TV screens across campus