Mai ka hikina a i ke komohana, mai uka a i kai, welina mai i ke kahua kulanui o ke Koʻolau!
From the east to the west, from mountains to ocean, welcome to Windward Community College!
Exploring our courses, degrees and services is the first step in joining our ʻohana of learners. Consider what studies will engage your interest, grow your skills and advance you on your career and life path. Our counselors, faculty, staff and administration are here to help you on this journey. Your success is our success.
Aʻohe hana nui ke alu ʻia. “No task is too hard when we work together.”
We challenge you to work hard, study hard, and try your hardest. Utilize our learning labs, tutoring, supplemental instruction, advising and other services to reach your goals.
Kūlia i ka nuʻu! “Strive for the highest.
We are an amazing community of students, staff, faculty and community members! Windward CC’s beauty is immediately apparent in our lush physical surroundings, but our true beauty comes from the people who make this a great place to learn. Come, grow and thrive with us!
Wishing you a fulfilling journey,
Ardis Eschenberg, PhD
Windward Community College